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Tucker, William Warren, 633. TucKERMAN, FREDERICK (editor), Diary of Samiul Cooper, 177S-1776 (Docu- ments), 301. Tufts, James H., English Political Pki- loiophy from Hobbes to Maine, by Wil- liam Graham (Review), 360; The Life, Unpublished Letters and Philosophical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftes- bury, edited by Benjamin Rand (Re- view), 609. Tunis, the government of, 496. Turkish Capitulations, The, by James B. Angell, 254. Twenty famous jVa-'al Battles, by Ed- ward K. Rawson, by W. F. TiLTON Review), 118. Tyler, John, President, 2S7, 2S9, 291,299, 300. Tyler, Lyon G., 427. Tyler, Lyon G., The Cradle of the Repub- lic ; Jamestown and James A'n'tv- (Re- view), 391. Tyler, Moses Coit, death of, 414, 424, 613. Tynemouth, 657. Under Three Flags in Cuba, by George C. Musgrave, by Theodore A. Dodge (Review), 179. United States, Education in the, edited by Nicholas M. Butler (Review), 393. United States, Essays on the Monetary His- tory of the, by Charles J. Bullock, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 579. United States, exterritorial jurisdiction of, in Turkey, 258, 259 ; public lands of the, 19-37. United States, The Growth of iVationality in the, by John Bascom (Review), 172. United States, A History of Banking in the, by John Jay Knox, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 377. United States, A History of the People of the, Vol. v., by John Bach McMaster, by Charles H. Levermore (Review), 370. United States, A History of Political Par- ties in the. Vol. I., by J. P. Gordy, by William Garrott Brown (Review), 592. United States, A History of Political Par- ties in the, by James H. Hopkins, by William Garrott Brown (Review), 592. United States, Political Parties in the, by Jesse Macy, by William Garrott Brown (Review), 592. United States, Territorial Acquisitions of the, by Edward Bicknell (Review), 173. United States and Spanish America, The Diplomatic Relations of the, by John H. Latane (Review), 146. University of Wisconsin, The : its History and its Alumni, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites, by A. C. McL. (Review), 392- Upland (Chester), 720-723. Urban VIIL, 642. Urbino, the duchy of, 640, 641, 649; Francesco Maria IL of, 642 ; Frederico, count of, 637, 639 ; Guido, count of, 63S, 639 ; Oddo Antonio of, 639. Valli, Matteo, 643. Valperque, Franpoise de, 69I. Van Brugh family, the, 262. Van Buren, Martin, 449, 450, 452, 459, 463- Van Cortlandt family, the, 262. Van Dyke, Paul, Theodore Beza, the Coutisellor of the French Reformation, by Henry M. Baird (Review), 551. Van Rensselaer manor, the, 261, 262, 267. Van Wyck, Theodore, 274. Veere, 57. 1 'enables. General, The N^arrative of, edited by Charles H. Firth (Review), 385. Venetian Republic, The; Its Rise, its Growth and its Fall, 421-1797, by W. Carew Hazlitt, by William Roscoe Thayer (Review), 353. Venezuela, 508 ; the Boundary Commis- sion and, 49-59- Venice, 640 ; trade of, 254, 255. Verbeck of Japan, A Citizen of no Country, by William E. GrifTis, by C. Meri- wether (Review), 829. Vergennes, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 241. Vermont, the election of 184S in, 209. Verrazano, voyages of, 671, 677, 678. Verrucchio, Leonardo Pio of, 64I. Vervins, 674, 675. Vicksburg campaign, the, 466. Victor, Frances F., 284. Victor, Frances Fuller, McLaughlin and Old Oregon, by Eva E. Dye (Re- view), 148.

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