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909 Rullkoetter, William, The Legal Protec- tion of Wotnan among the Ancient Ger- mans, by Guy C. Lee (Review), 833. Russel, Henry, 423. Russell, Frank, Hiitory of the New World called America, Vol. II., by Ed- ward J. Payne (Review), 796. J?ussia, A Short History of, by Mary P. Parmele (Review), 171. Russia, Napoleon' s Invasion of, by Here- ford B. George, by Theodore A. Dodge (Review), 136. Russia and the Russians, by Edmund Noble, by Archibald Gary Coolidge (Review), 791. Russia, slavery in, 202 ; trading privileges of, in Turkey, 257. Rustdorp (Jamaica), L. I., 14. Sabatier, Paul (editor). Collection de Documents pour I' Histoire Religieuse et Litteraire du Moyen Age, Tomes I. et n. (Review), 544. Sable Id., expedition to, 674. Saguenay, the Kingdom of, 671, 682. St. Albans, the town of, 651-659, 663, 96S, 669. St. Charles, Bank of, 240. Ste. Croix, island of, 676, 6S1-6S3, 6S7. St. David's, Bishop of, 666. St. Helen, the church of, 663, 664. .St. John river, 676. Saint-Just, account of New France by, 688, 690. St. Lawrence, the Gulf of, 671. St. Lawrence river, discovery and ex- ploration of, 671, 6S0, 681, 685, 688, 690. St. Louis, 43, 292, 293. St. Malo, 6S5. St. Michel, Mont, 685. St. Nicholas, the church of, 664, 665, 668. St. Pantaleon, chronicle of, 431. St. Pierre in Martinique, 60 ; botanical garden at, 485. St. Sauveur, 690. St. Vincent, Cape, 672. Salaberry, Comte de. Souvenirs Politiques du, sur la Restauration, edited by Corate de Salaberry, by Victor Coffin (Re- view), 789. Salmon, Lucy M., 428. Sanborn, John Bell, Some Political As- pects of Homestead Legislation, 19. San German in Porto Rico, 672. San Leo, 637, 641. San Marino, the castle of, 666 ; the gov- ernment of, 635. San Marino, The Repullic of, by WILLIAM Miller, 633. Santiago, capture of, 673. Santiago, Felipe de, letters of, 52. Santo Thom^, town of, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59. Savage, Samuel P., 303. Savannah, 469, 472, 474. Say, Leon, Minister of Finance, 766, 767, 769. Schenectady, representative for, 266. Schoelcher, Senator, 484. Schofield, General, 467. School History of Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley, by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 846. Schouler, James, 427. Schurz, Carl, 213. Schuyler, Eugene, Italian Influences, by William R. Thayer (Review), 838; Selected Essays, by James B. Angell (Review), 839. Schuyler, Philip, 269. Schuyler family, the, 262, 263. Schuylkill settlements, the, 720. Schwill, Ferdinand, Leitres de Madame Reinhard a sa Mire, edited by the Bar- oness de Wimpffen (Review), 787 ; The Story of Assisi, by Lina Duff Gor- don (Review), 608. Scofield, Cora L., A Study of the Court of Star Chamber, by George Elliott Howard (Review), 775. Scotland, A History of, from the Roman Occupation, I., by Andrew Lang, by Gaillard T. Lapsley (Review), 121. Scott, John, 703 ; John Morin, 273, 274, 498; Major John, 53. Sears, Edmund H., An Outline of Polit- ical Growth in the AHneteenth Century, by Edmund C. Burnett (Review), 134- Second Missouri Compromise, Omitted Chapter in the History of the (paper), 420. Secret History of the Court of Berlin, Mirabeau's, 235, 236; editions of, 235, 236. Sectionalism and Representation in South Carolina (Justin Winsor prize essay), 425.

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