Index Reinsch, Paul S., English Common Law in the Early American Colonies, by W. M. West (Review). 584. Reinsch, Paul S., French Experience with Representative Government in the West Indies, 475. Relation Derniere, of Lescarbot, 6S9, 690. Religion, Outlines of the History of, by John K. Ingram, by Walter G. Everett (Review), 165. Religion of Israel to the Exile, by Kail Budde, by C. H. Toy (Review), 112. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, 643. Rensselaerswyck, 717. Republic of San Marino, the, by Wil- liam Miller, 633. Reunion, political conditions in, 477-482. Rey, Francis, 257. Rhodes, James Ford, 414, 427 ; address by, 417, 418. Rhodes, James Ford, Sherman's March to the Sea, 466. Rhys, John, and David Brynmor Jones, The Welsh People, by F. N. Robinson (Review), 349. Riant, Count Paul, 43S ; the library of, 415. Ribaut, Jean, expedition of, 678. Ribot, Deputy, 488. Richardson, E. C, 428. Richardson, Oliver H. , The History of Eiiward the Third, by James Mackin- non (Review), 125. Richelieu and the Growth of French Power, by James B. Perkins, by Henry E. Bourne (Review), 561. Richmond Enquirer, the, 450. Richmond Junta, the, 450. Ridpath, John C. (deceased), 1S3. Riggs, James S., A History of the Je-cvish People during the Maccabean and Roman Periods (Review), 166. Riley, Franklin L., School History of Mis- sissippi, by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 846. Rimini, 633-641. Ripley, W. Z., 423. Rise of Metropolitan Journalism, The, by Charles H. Levermore, 446. Risings in the English Monastic Towns in 1327, by Norman Maclaren Tren- HOLME, 650. Ritchie, Thomas, 450. Rives, George L., The Peace Conference at the Hague, by Frederick W. HoUs (Review), 572. Rivington's Gazette, i^l, 453. Robertson, William, 217. Robertson's ]'iew of the Progress of Society in Europe, 431, 432. Roberval, discoveries of, 671, 674, 6S0, 682, 688. Robinson, F. N., The Welsh People, by John Rhys and David Brynmor Jones (Review), 349. Robinson, J. H., 428. Roger Ludlow, The Colonial Lawmaker, by John M. Taylor (Review), 612. Rogers, Cornelius, 278. RoUin's Ancient History, 226. Roloff, Gustav, Die Kolonialpolitik A'apo- leons I. (Review), 364. Romagna, the, 636, 63S, 640, 644, 646. Rome, 646, 661. Rome: Its Rise and Fall, by P. V. N. Myers, by G. W. B. (Review), 382. Ronciere, Charles de la, Histoire de la Ma- rine Franfaise. Vol. II. La Guerre de Cent Ans ; Revolution Maritime, by Julian S. Corbett (Review), 546. Roosevelt, Theodore, Oliver Cromwell, by Guernsey Jones (Review), 562. Ropes, John C, 467, 469. Rosebery, ^Lord, Napoleon : The Last Phase, by Theodore Ayrault Dodge (Review), 565. Rosi^res, Raoul, 434, 435. Rouen, 442, 680, 683. Round, J. Horace (editor). Calendar op Documents preserved in Fi'ance, illustra- tive of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, by George Burton Adams (Review), 351. Rousseau, F. (editor), Kleher et Menou en Egypte depuis le Depart de Bonaparte, by Victor Coffin (Review), 786. Rousseau, J. J. , Essai sur le Systeme de Politique Etratigere de, par J. L. Win- denberger, by C. E. Merriam (Review), 385. Roussel, le P^re, Correspondance de Le Co:, Eveque Constitutionnel d' Ille-et- Vilaine, by Charles L. Wells (Re- view), 133. Royal historical Society, Transactions of the, new series, XIV. (Review), 835. Roy, Jules, 435.