Index Orme, Thomas J., 39. Orsi, Pietro, 435. Osgood, Herbert L., introduction to The Society of Dissenters (Documents), 498. Otho, the Emperor, 635. Otis, James, 302. Ottawa river, the, 6go. Ottoman Empire, the, 254. Our Presidents and Hota We Make Them, by A. K. McClure (Review), 174. Outline, An, of Political Growth in the Nineteenth Century, by Edmund H. Sears, by Edmund C. Burnett (Re- view), 134. Outlines of the History of Religion, by John K. Ingram, by Walter G. EvERErr (Review), 165. Owen, Robert, 452. Oxford, 663-667. Pacific and the Far East, American Rela- tions in, by James M. Callahan, by Hiram Bingham, Jr. (Review), 827. Page, Thomas W. , The End of llllainage in England, by E. P. Cheyney (Re- view), 355. Palfrey, J. G., 220, 221. Panchaud, the banker, 239-242, 249, 252. Parel, Abbe, 490. Paris, 648, 676, 677, 679. Paris, Congress of 1856, 258. Paris, Matthew, 216. Paris, Political Influence of the Uniz'ersity of, in the Middle Ages, by Charles Gross, 440. Paris as Seen and Descibtd by Famous Writers, edited and translated by Esther Singleton, by F. M. Warren (Re- view), 170. Parker, Theodore, Preacher and Reformer, by John W. Chadwick, by J. P. Ql'INCY (Review), 374. Parkman, Francis, 220, 222. Parkman, Francis, A Life of, by Charles H. Farnhara, by Barrett Wendell (Review), 376. Parlement of Paris, the, 442-444. Parmele, Mary P., Russia, A Short His- tory of {'R.evi&v!) , 171. Parmentiers, voyages of the, 671. Party Struggles in Missouri, 1861-1S65 (paper), 420. Passano, L. M., History of Maryland (Review), S45. Paul II., Pope, 639. Paul III., 641. Paulding, James K., 455. Paul Jones, Founder of the American Xa-jy, by Augustus C. Buell, by Edward Field (Review), 589. Pausanias and other Greek Sketches, bv J. G. Frazer (Review), 382. Payne, Edward J., History of the Ne-,^' World called America, Vol. II., by Frank Russell (Review), 796. Peace Conferetice at the Hague, The, and its Bearings on International Law and Policy, by Frederick W. Holls, by George L. Rives (Review), 572. Peirce, C. S., Thomas Hariot, the Mathe- matician, the Philosopher, and the Scholar, by Henr)' Stevens (Review), 557- Pelizzaro, Giacomo, 638. Penna Rossa, the castle of, 635. Pennsylvania, 202 ; public land policy of, 27, 34, 35- Pennsylvania, Colonial, Conrad JTeiser and the Indian Policy of, by Joseph S. Walton (Review), 816. Pennsylvania, Colonial, The German and Swiss Settlements of, by Oscar Kuhns, by M. D. Learned (Review), 813. Pepin, 634 ; the donation of, 634, 635. Perkins, James Breck, La Noblesse Franfaise sous Richelieu, par le Vicomet G. d'Avenel (Review), 781. Perkins, James B. , Richelieu and the Gro-^uth of French Poiuer, by Henrv E. Bourne (Review), 561. Perugia, 636. Pesaro, 645. Peter the Hermit, 429. Petigru, James Louis, Life of, by Gray- son, 737. Pflugk-Harttung, Julius, 438. Philadelphia Negro, The : A Social Study, by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois (Review), 162. Philalethes, the, 242. Philipse family, the, 262. Picanon, colonial inspector, 489. Pickens, Francis W., 736; letters to, 752, 75S, 764. Pierce, Franklin, 34, 36. Pigeon, the ship, 54. Pi/grim's Progress, 225. Pitt, William, 508; policy of, 245-247, 250, 251.