Index Logs of the Great Sea-Fights, 1794-1805, Vol. II., edited by T. Sturges Jackson, Rear- Admiral (Review), 610. London, 660, 662 ; the liberties of, 653. Long Island, 261 ; Dutch and English settlements on, 15, 695-697, 703-711, 716, 717, 721-723; grant of, 693, 694; a public library on, 225, 226. Louis XI., 443, 445. Louis XIII., 6SS. Louis XVI., 23S, 252, 253. Louis Philippe, 646. Lovejoy, A. L., 2S5-2S7, 291, 294. Lovelace, Governor, of N. Y., 7CO, 719, 721. Lowell, A. Lawrence, 424, 427 ; James Russell, 228, 229. Lowell, A. Lawrence, The Referemhtm in America, by Ellis P. Oberholtzer (Review), 582. Ludlow, Roger, The Colonial Lawmaker, by John M. Taylor (Review), 612. Luigi, Pier, 641. Luther, Martin, 200-202. Luther and the German Reformation, by Thomas M. Lindsay, by Henry M. Baird (Review), 357. Mabillon, 431. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 217-219, 227, 229, 230, 643. MacDonald, William, 425, 427, 428. MacDonald, Villm.M, Canada under Bntish Rule, by Sir John G. Bourinot, (Review), S30. Mackinnon, James, The History of Edward the Third, by OLIVER H. RICHARDSON (Review), 125. MacMahon, Marshal de, 492, 765-769. MacMechan, Archibald M., editor, Xova Scotia Archives, II. (Review), 847. Macon, Nathaniel, 736. Macy, Jesse, Political Parties in the United States, by WILLIAM Garrott Brown (Review), 592. Madison, James, 449, 450. Mahan, Capt. Alfred T., 230, 424, 427. Maine, grant of, 693, 694. Malagola, Professor, of Bologna, 633, 635. Malatesta, Sigismondo, 638, 639 ; of Ver- rucchio, 636. Malatestas of Rimini, the, 637-641, Maiden, Henry E. (editor). The Cely Papers (Review), 384. Maiden, Mass., The History of, by De- loraine P. Corey, by Henry H. Edes (Review), 175. Malmesbury, Lord, dispatch of, 247. Manhattan Island, I, 5, 16. Manual of Church History, A, by Albert H. Newman, by J. Winthrop Platner (Review), 120. Marcel, Etienne, 440. Marc^re, M. de. Minister for the Interior, 766, 768, 769. Margarita, 52. Mari, Giovanni, Trattali Medievali di Rithmica Latina, by C. H. H. (Review), Mario, Jessie White, editor, Scritti Scelti di Giuseppe Ma-^-Jni, (Review), 838. Marsden, Secretary William, 508; letters to, 520-524, 528-530. Marshall, Chief- Justice John, 220 ; Thomas F., 233, 454; William I., 420. Marsilly-sur-Seine, 675. Martel, Minister of Justice, 766. Martha's Vineyard, grant of, 694. Martin, Mrs. Walter K., 736. Martinique, political conditions in, 475- 494- Martyr, Peter, 6S0. Mason, Edward G., Chapters from Illinois History, by Edwin Erle Sparks ( Re- view), S25. Massachusetts, 202, 204, 207, 230; the colony, 694, 704 706-711 ; the election of 1848 in, 209; the Kansas question in, 41- Massachusetts, Publications of the Colonial Society of. Vol. III. (Review), 390. Massachusetts Bay in New England, The Puritan Republic of the, by Daniel W. Howe, by William B. Weeden (Re- view), 138. Massachusetts Historical Society, 198, 199. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections of the. Seventh Series, I. (Jefferson Papers) (Review), S42. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceed- ingsofthe. Vol. XV. (Review), 3S9. Massai, the, 634. Mathews, Shailek, Christianity in the Apostolic Age, by George T. Purves (Review), 539. Mauritius, political conditions in, 495. Mauvillon, Major, 241, 242, 244, 247. Maximilian in Mexico, by SaraY. Steven- son (Review), 1 78.