901 Latane, John H., The Diplomatic Rela- tions of the United States and S/anis/i- Ameriea (Review), 146. Laudonniere, voyages of, 671, 677, 67S, 6S0, 6S5. Laiizun, Due de, 240, 241, 247. Lawrence, Kan., 44-47. Lea, Henry C, Histoire de V Lnqinsition au Moyen-age, translated by Salomon Reinach, by Charles H. Haskins (Review), 834. Learned, M. D., 77;;? German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania, by Oscar Kuhns (Review), 813; The Germans in Colonial Time-, by Lucy F. Bittinger (Review), 813. Lecompton, Kan., 44-46. Le Coz, Eveque Constitutionncl d'llle-et- Vilaine, Correspondance de, par le P. Roussel, by Charles L. Wells (Re- view), 133. Ledger, the Philadelphia, 464. Lee, Guy C, Historical Jurisprudence, by Joseph H. Beale, Jr. (Review), 531 ; Source-Book of English History (Re- view), 3S4. Lee, Guy C, The Legal Protection of Woman among the Ancient Germans, by William Rullkoetter (Review), 833. Legal Protection of Woman among the Ancient Gertnans, The, by William Rullkoetter, by GUY C. Lee (Review), 833. Legend of Marcus Whitman, The, by Edward Gaylord Bourne, 276. Leggett, William, 453. Leo X., 641. Leo XIL, 646. Lerma, Duke of, letter of the, 53. Leroy-Beaulieu, P., 496. Lery, Jean de, 679, 680, 685. Lescarbot, Marc, 674-692. Lescarbot, Marc, of Vervins ; The French Hakluyt, by H. P. Biggar, 671. . Lcs Colonies, 484, 486, 490. Les Muses de la Nouvelle France, 686, 690. Letters of Cicero, The, edited by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, by Albert Granger Harkness (Review), 607. Letters of Dr. Thomas Cooper, 182^-1832 (Documents), 725. Letters on the Nullification Movement in South Carolina, iSjo-/Sj4, 1. (Docu- ments), 736. Lcttre remise a Frederic [Guillaume LL, Mirabeau's, 249. Lettres de Madame Keinhard a sa Mere, edited by the Baroness de Wimpffen, by Ferdinand Schwill (Review), 7S7. Levant, trade of the, 254, 255. Le Vasseur, annals of the church of Noyon, by, 431- Levermore, Charles H., A History of the People of the United States, Vol.'v., by John B.ich McMaster (Review), 370 ; The Rise of Metropolitan Jour- nalism, 446. Lije, Unpublished Letters and Philosoph- ical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, edited by Benjamin Rand, by James H. Tufts (Review), 609. Life and Literature of the Ancient He- brews, by Lyman Abbott, by C. H. Toy (Review), 772. L.if of Francis Parkman, A, by Charles H. Farnham, by Barrett Wendell (Review), 376. Life of James Dwight Dana, The, by Daniel C. Gilman (Review), 844. Life of William H. Seward, The, by Frederic Bancroft, by Daniel H. Chamberlain (Review), 152. Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate, by Henry B. Whipple, by Charles L. Wells (Review), 177. Lincoln, Abraham, 209, 210, 213, 229, 46S, 473, 474; Hon. Solomon, a letter to, 231. Lindsay, Thomas M., Luther and the German Keformation, by Henry M. Baird (Review), 357. Lingard, John, 217. Linn, Senator, Life and Speeches of, 2S6. Linn Bill, the, 287, 294. Literary History of America, A, by Bar- rett Wendell, by Walter C. Bronson (Review), 807. Liverraore, Thomas L., Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America, 1861-1S6S (Review), 598. Livingston, Peter V., 274; William, 273, 498. Livingston family, the, 261-263, 273, 274. Livingston manor, the, 261, 267. Livy, 215, 216. Locke, Richard Adams, 457.