Index Johnson, Andrew, Senator from Tenn., 27, 30- 33. 35 ; Sir John, 26S, 269 ; Sir William, 262, 266-270. Johnston, Henry P., The Storming of Stony Point on the Hudson, by John BiGELOW, Jr. (Review), 144. Johnston, L. F., 43, 47. Johnston, R. M., MirabeaiC s Secret Mission to Berlin, 235. Johnston, W. Dawson, A History of the Knglish Church during the Civil IVars and Commonwealth, by William A. Shaw (Review), 1 28; Side Lights on English History, by Ernest F. Hender- son (Review), 168. Johonnot, Gabriel, 302. Jonas, the, 676, 677. Jones, David Brynmor, and John Rhys, The Welsh People, by F. N. Robinson (Review), 349. Jones, Guernsey, Oliver Cromwell, by John Morley (Review), 562; Oliver Cromwell, by Theodore Roosevelt (Re- view), 562; The Protestant Interest in Cromwell s Foreign Relations, by Jacob N. Bowman (Review), 837. Jones, John W., 43 ; Samuel J., 45, 46. Jones, Paul, Founder of the American A(/zy, by Augustus C. Buell, by Edward Field (Review), 589. Joseph II., policy of, 245, 246, Journal of Commerce, the, 452-455. 463, 464. Judson, Harry Pratt, 414, 416. Julius II., 640. Juvenal, 216. Kaisenberg, Moritz von (editor). Memoirs of the Baroness Cecile Je Courtot, by Charles D. Hazi;n (Review), 130. Kansas, The Buford Expedition to, by Walter L. Fleming, 38. Kansas, Territory of, 3S-48. Kansas City, 47. Kansas-Nebraska bill, the, 31, 38. Kendall, Elizabeth K. 427. Kendall, Elizabeth K. (editor), Source- Book of English History {Review), 3S3. Kent, Charles F., A Afe' Chapter in the Life of Thiitmose ILL , by James H. Breasted (Review), S32. Kentucky, 202 ; public land question in, 20, 27, 30, 31. Kergrist, Admiral, 48 1. Keymis, 52. Kieft, William, 10, 12, 13, 15, l6, iS. Kijkoveral, fort at, 53. Kilpatrick, General, 473. Kimball, Gertrude S., A History of England for the Use of. Schools and Academies, by J. N. Larned (Review), 34S. King, Charles, 455. King's College, 49S. Kingston, Jamaica, 495. Kleber et Menou e?i Egypte depuis le De- part de Bonaparte, ■ edited by F. Rous- seau, by Victor Coffin (Review), 786. Knight, Senator, from Martinique, 486. Know Nothing movement, the, 30, 36, 446. Knox, Henty, by Noah Brooks, by Os- wald Garrison Villard (Review), 367- Knox, John Jay, A History of Banking in the United States, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 377. Kolonialpolitik, Die, Napoleons I., by Gustav Roloff (Review), 364. Kuhns, Oscar, The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania, by M. D. Learned (Review), 813. La Liberie de T Escompte, 239. Lancaster, Earl of, 652. Lane, W. C, 428. Lang, Andrew, A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation, I., by Gaillard T. Lapsley (Review), 121. Langlois, C. V., Manuel de Bibiiographie Historique, by C. H. Haskins (Review), S31. La Noblesse Frangaise sous Richelieu, par le Vicomte G. d'Avenel, by James Breck Perkins (Review), 7S1. Lapsley, Gaillard T. , The County Pala- tine of Durham, by Meltlle M. BiGELOW (Review), 123. Lapsley, Gaillard T., A History op Scotland from the Roman Occupation, I., by Andrew Lang (Review), 121. Lamed, J. N., 428. Larned, J. N. , A History of England for the Use of Schools and Academies, by Gertrude S. Kimball (Review), 348. La Rochelle, 676, 688, 690, 691. Las Casas, narrative of, 679. La Societe de Credit Fonder Colonial, 477. Latane, John Holladay, A Century op American Diplomacy, by John W. Foster (Review), 587.