899 Holmes, T. Rice, Caesar's Conquest of Gaul (Review), 115. Holt, John, 447. Holt' s _/oa;H«/, 447. Homestead Legislation, Some Political As- pects of, by John Bell Sanborn, 19. Honfleur, 6S5. Hood, General, 466-46S. Hopkins, James H., A History of Political Parties in the Unitid States, by WIL- LIAM Garrott Brown (Review), 592. Horridge, Frank, Lives of Great Italians (Review), 835. Howard, G. E., 428. Howard, George Elliott, A Study of the Court of Star Chamber, by Cora L. Scofield (Review), 775. Howe, Daniel W., The Puritan Republic of the Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land, by William B. Weeden (Re- view), 1 38. Hoyt, Jesse, 449, 459. Hudson, Dutch settlements on the, 15 ; the river, 261, 262, 694, 695, 697, 700, 717-719, 723. Hudson's Bay Company in Oregon, 277, 278, 2S0, 2S2, 284, 297, 298. Hugh of Everisdene, 655, 656. Hughes, Bishop, 461. Hull, Charles H., 419. Hl-ll, Charles H., Sut-'eys Historic and Economic, by W. J. Ashley (Re- view), 793. Hume, IMvid, 214, 217, 225, 226. Hume, Martin A. S. (editor), A History of Spain, by Ulick R. Burke, by Charles H. Haskins (Review), 167. Hunter, R. M. T., 47. Huntington, William Edwards, Wes- ley and Methodism, by F. J. Snell (Re- view), 783. Hurard, deputy from Martinique, 4S4, 4S6, 490-492. Hutchinson, Governor, 301. Ignatian Epistles, Date of the (paper), 416. II Belluzzi, by Zuccoli, 642. lies, George, 428. Illinois, 211 ; the election of 1S48 in, 209 ; the Kansas question in, 42 ; public lands in, 28, 30. Illinois History, Chapters from, hy Edward G. Mason, by Edwin Erle Sfarks (Review), 825. Illumines, the, 241-244, 247, 252. Illustrated Penny Magazine, the, 456. Inciarte, diary of Commissioner, 58, 63. Indianer und Anglo-Amerilcaner, von Georg Friederici, by James Mooney (Review), 172. Indo-China, the government of, 496. Ingersoll, C. J., 232. Ingram, John K., Outlines of the History of Religion, by WALTER G. E'erett (Review), 165. Ingram, T. Dunbar, A Critical Examina- tion of Irish History, by Ralph C. H. Catterall (Review), 779. Innocent VI., 637. Iowa, the election of 184S in, 209. Irish History, A Critical Examination of, by T. Dunbar Ingram, by Ralph C. H. Catterall (Review), 779. " Iron Brigade," the, 210. Irving, Dr., editor of the Morning Chron- icle, 44S, 449 ; Washington, 220. Isaac, .Senator, from Guadeloupe, 492, 493. Italian Influences, by Eugene Schuyler, by William R. Thayer (Review), 838. Iturriaga, the Spanish Commandant, 61, 62. Jackson, Andrew, 21, 23-25, 452, 458, 459. 736. Jackson, Rear-Admiral T. Sturges (edi- tor), logs of the Great Sea-Fights, 1794- 1S05, Vol. II. (Review), 610. Jackson, Rev. Samuel M., 416, 417, 427. Jahns, Lieut- Colonel Max (deceased), 396. Jamaica, political conditions in, 494-496. Jamaica (Rustdorp), L. I., 14. James, DukeofYork,(JamesII.), 693, 694, 696-698, 701, 702, 704, 70S, 713, 717. Jameson, J. Franklin, 424, 427. Jamestown and James River, The Cradle of the Republic, by Lyon G. Tyler (Re- view), 391. Jauncey, James, 274. Jaureguiberry, Admiral, 482, 483. Jefferson, Thomas, 203, 204, 44S, 450. Jefferson, Thomas, by Thomas E. Watson, by George H. Haynes (Review), S42. Jefferson Papers, Mass. Hist. Soc. Col). (Review), 843. Jernigan, Captain, 43, 47. Jewish People, A History of the, during the Maccabean and Roman Periods, by James S. Riggs (Review), 166. Joan of Arc, 442. John XIII., Pope, 436-