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Index Histoi'e de la Marine Fraiifaise, Vol. II., La Guerre de Cent Ans ; Re-colution Maritime, par Charles de la Ronciere, by Julian S. Corbett (Review), 546. Histoire des Rapports de I' Eglise ct de I' itat en France de lySg a 187-0, par A. Debidour, by Charles L. Wells (Review), 362. Historic ToTvns of the Southern States, edited by Lyman P. Powell, by B. J. Ram AGE (Review), 824. Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, Part XXVI., edited byR. L. Poole (Re- view), 164; Part XXVII. (Review), 3S3. Historical Jurisprudence : An Introduction to the Systematic Study of the Develop- ment of Law, by Guy C. Lee, by Joseph H. Beale, Jr. (Review), 531. History of America before Columbus, ac- cording to Documents and Approved Au- thors, by P. de Roo, by H. W. H. (Review), 799. History of Banking in the United States, by John Jay Knox, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 377. History of the Castle, Tmvn and Port of Dover, by S. P. H. Statham (Review), 169. History of the Clayton- Bulwer Treaty, The, by Ira D. Travis, by J. B. Moore (Review), 150. History of Colonization, The, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Henry C. Morris, by Clive Day (Re- view), 533. History of Edward the Third, The, by James Mackinnon, by Oliver H. Rich- ardson (Review), 125. History of England, A , for the Use of Schools and Academies, by J. N. Lamed, with Analyses, etc., by Homer P. Lewis, by Gertrude S. Kimball (Re- view), 348. History of the English Church during the Civil Wars and Comtnonwealth, by William A. Shaw, by W. Dawson John- ston (Review), 128. History and General Description of Xe-M France, Vol. I., by F. X. de Charle- voix, edited by John G. Shea (Review), 811. History of Greece, A, to the Death of Alex- ander the Great, by J. B. Bury, by G. W. B. (Review), 345. History of Greece^ A, Part III., by Evelyn Abbott, by G. W. B. (Review), 346. History of the Jewish People during the Maccabean and Roman Times, by James S. Riggs (Review), 166. History of Maiden, Mass., by Deloraine P. Corey, by Henry H. Edes (Review), 175- History of My Own Time, by Bishop Bur- net, edited by Dr. Osmund Airy, Vol. II., (Review), 169. History of the Ne-tV World called America, Vol. II., by Edward J. Payne, by Frank Russell (Review), 796. History, A, of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War, Vol. v., by John Bach Mc- Master, by Charles H. Levermore (Review), 370. History of Political Parties in the Lnited States, A, Vol. I., by J. P. Gordy, by William Garrott Brown (Review), 592. History of Political Parties in the United States, A, by James H. Hopkins, by W1LLLA.M Garrott Brown (Review), 592. History of Scotland from the Roman Occu- pation, I., by Andrew Lang, by Gail- lard T. L.PSLEY (Review), 121. History of Spain, A, by Ulick R. Burke, edited by Martin A. S Hume, by Charles H. Haskins (Review), 167. History of Tennessee, its People and its Institutions, by William R. Garrett, by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 3S0. History, A, of Tennessee from ibbs to igoo for Use in Schools, by G. R. McGee. by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 3S0. Hitchcock, Ripley, 420. Hixon, Joseph Sayer, 302. Hoar, Hon. George F. , 427. Hodder, Frank H., paper by, 420. Holland, situation of, in 17S6, 246, 250, 251. Hollander, Dr. J. H., 419. Hollis, Ira N., The Frigate Constitution, by H. C. Taylor (Review), S20. Holls, Frederick W., The Peace Confer- ence at the Hague, by George L. Rives (Review), 572. Holm, Professor Adolf (deceased), 182.

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