897 Halleck, Fitz Greene, 453 ; General, 467, 470, 472. Hamilton, Alexander, 44S ; James, Jr. , 725, 736; James, Jr., letters by, 73S, 740, 741, 745- 746, 74S. Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray ( editor ), 77; t- Writings of James Monroe, Vol. HI., (Review), 36S; Vol. IV.{Review), 596. Hammond, Edward Spann, 736 ; James H., 736; James H., letters by, 751, 755. 759- 761, 762 ; letters to, 737-741, 745-748, 760, 764 ; memorandum by, 741. Hanau, Count of, a grant in Guiana to, 6t. Hansen, Joseph, Zaubenaahn, Inquisi- tionen unci Hexenprozess im Mittelalter iind die Entstehung der grossen Hexen- vrfolgiing, by G. L. B. (Review), 609. Hardee, General, 474. Harding, Samuel B., paper by, 420. Harebone, William, 256. Hariot, Thomas, the JMathematician, the Philosopher, and the Scholar, by Henry Stevens, by C. S. Peirce (Review), 557- H.RKNESs, Albert Granger, The Let- ters of Cicero, edited by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh (Review), 607. Harlem, N. Y. , 697, 699. Harrison, Frederic (quoted), 226. Harrotver, John, Diary of, /77j'-/776 (Documents), 65. Hart, Albert B., 422-426. Hart, Albert B. (editor), American His- tory told by Contemporaries, Vol. HI. (Review), 590. Hart, Aleert Bushnell, A Trial Bibliography of American Diplomacy, S48-S66. Hartford Convention, the, 203. Harttung, Julius, 43S. Haskins, Charles H., 418, 423, 427. Haskins, Charles H., Histoire de V In- quisition au Moyen-Age, by Henry C. Lea, translated by Salomon Reinach ( Review), 834 ; A History of Spain, by Ulick R. Burke, edited by Martin A. S. Hume (Review), 167; Manuel de Bibliographic Historique, by C. V. Langlois (Review), 831 ; Trattati Medievali di Rithmica Latina, by Gio- vanni Mari, 835. Hastings, Hugh (editor). Public Papers of George Clinton (Review), 39I. Havana, 672, 673. Havet, Jiilien, 43S. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 214. Hayne, Robert Y., 213, 725, 736; letters by, 737, 738, 747, 752- 7SS- 760, 764; letters to, 751, 759, 761 ; public land policy of, 24 ; Wm. E., letter by, 760, 764 ; letter to, 762. Haynes, George H., Thomas Jefferson, by Thomas E. Watson (Review), 842. Hayti, political conditions in, 476. Hazen, Charles D., Memoirs of the Baroness Cecile de Coitrtot, compiled by Moritz von Kaisenberg (Review), 130. Hazlitt, W. Carew, The Venetian Repub- lic : Its Rise, its Growth and its Fall, 421-1797, by William RoscoE Thayer (Review), 353. Hearn, Lafcadio, 4S5. Heathcote, Caleb, 261 ; the family, 261, 262 ; George, 261. Hebrews, Life aiid Literature of the An- cient, by Lyman Abbott, by C. H. Toy" (Review), 772. Hempstead, L. L, 10, 13, 704,715. Henderson, E. F., 42S. Henderson, Ernest F., Side Lights on English History, by W. DAWSON JOHN- STON (Review), 168. Henlopen, Cape, 720. Henry H., charter of, 654; of France, 675. Henry IV. of France, 675. Henry V. of England, 442. Henry VIII., 201. Henry of Prussia, Prince, 235, 244, 250. Henry, William Wirt (deceased), 616. Herald, the, 454, 457, 460-465. Herald of Freedom, the, 45. Herodotus, 212, 215, 216, 230. Herschel, Sir John, 457. Hertfordshire, 651, 653. Hildreth, Richard, 220. Hilliard, Henry W., 41, 43. Hinsdale, B. A., The Northwest under Three Flags, by Charles Moore (Re- view), 139. Hinsdale, Professor Burke A. (deceased), 395- Hislop, Governor, of Trinidad, 50S. Histoire de I' Inquisition au Moyen-Age, by Henry C. Lea, translated by Salomon Reinach, by Charles H. Haskins (Review), 834.