895 Farwell, Governor, of Wis., 29. Fattori, historian of San Marino, 639-641. Faversham (Kent), rising in, 66S. Federalism in the United States, 203. Ferdinand II. of Austria, 646. Field, Edward, Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy, by Augustus C. Buell (Review), 589. Finck, Henry T., Primitive Love and Love- Stories, by Walter G. Everett (Review), loS. Finley, John H., remarks by, 419. Firth, Charles H. (editor), The Narrative of General Venables (Review), 385. Fisher, George P., 427. Fiske, John, 230. Fiske, John, The Mississippi Valley in th, Civil War, by Basil W. Duke (Re view), 599. Fithian, Philip Vickers : Journal and Let- ters, edited by J. Rogers Williams (R view), 613. Fleming, Walter L., The Buford Ex- pedition to Kansas, 38. Fling, F. M., 428. Florence, 641, 648. Florida, expedition to, 674. " Florida Donation Act " of 1S42, the, 26. Flushing ( Vlissingen), L. I., lo, 716. Fodere, Pradier-, 255. Fort de France, 4S5, 490. Fort Hall, 296, Fort Orange, i . Fort Walla Walla, 277, 2S0, 2S2, 293, 297, 300. Forti, Francesco, 431. Forward Policy and its Results, The, by Richard I. Bruce, by Alfred L. P. Dennis (Review), 569. Foster, John W., A Century of American Diplomacy, by John Holladay " La- tan^ (Review), 587. Foster, Roger, 427. Foster, William E. , 428. Fourichon, Vice-Admiral, Minister of Ma- rine, 766. France, the communes of, 668, 669 ; in discovery and colonization, 671, 673 ; trading privileges of, in Turkey, 256- 258. France, Etudes sur F Histoire Economique de la (1760-1789), par Camille Bloch, by Henry E. Bourne (Review), 784. France, A Ministerial Crisis in, 1S76, with introduction by Theodore Stan- ton (Document), 765. France de lySg a rSyo, Histoire des Pap- ports de I'Eglise et de P fltat en, par A. Debidour, by Charles L. Wells (Review), 362. Francis I., 201, 255, 675, 680. Franpois, village of, 4S7, 490. Franklin, Kan., 44, 45, 47. Fratris Francisci Bartholdi de Assisio Tractatus de Indulgeniia S. Mariae de Portiuncula, edited by Paul Sabatier (Review), 544. Frazer, J. G., Pausanias and Other Greek Sketches (Review), 382. Freak of Freedom, by J. T. Bent, 633. Frederic II., of Prussia, 201. Frederick William, of Prussia, 243, 244, 246, 248-252. Free-Soil party, public land policy of, 28, 3'- Fiench Experience loith Representative Govei-nment in the West Indies, by Paul S. Reinsch, 475. French Hakluyt, The ; Marc Lescarbot of Vervins, by H. P. Biggar, 671. French India, representation in, 496. French Monarchy, The, i483-ij8g, by A. J. Grant (Review), 836. Freneau, Philip, 447. Freycinet government, the, 492. Friederici, Georg, Indianer und Anglo- Amerikaner, by James Mooney (Re- view), 172.- Frigate Constitution, The, the Ctntral Fig- ure of the Navy under Sail, by Ira N. HoUis, by H. C. Taylor (Review), 820. Froidevaux, Henri, article on the Vene- zuelan controversy by, 60. Froude, J. A., 217, 218, 230. Fugitive Slave Law, the, 209. Fundy, the Bay of, 675, 676. Gadsden, Ala., 466. Gaine's Mercury, 447. Gambetta, M., 767, 76S. Garces, Francisco, The Diary and Itiner- ary of, by Elliott Coues, by Frank W. Blackmar (Review), 141. Garibaldi, 646, 647. Garrett, William R., History of Tennessee, its People and its Institutions, by Fred- erick W. Moore (Review), 380. Garriga, Benito de la, 62. Garrison, William Lloyd, 204-206.