893 edited by Adelaide D'A. Collier (Re- view), 387. D' Estournelles de Constant, 496. De Wallingford, Richard, 656-658. Dewey, Davis Rich, Essays on the Mone- tary History of the United States, by Charles J. Bullock (Review), 579 ; ^ History of Banking in the United States, by John Jay Knox (Review), 377. Diary of John Harrower, ijj^-ijjb (Documents), 65. Diary of Samuel Cooper, iTJj-i7j6, with Introduction by Frederick Tucker- man (Document), 301. Dickerson, Mahlon, 725. Diderot, 245. Dionysius, the monk, 436, 437. Diplomacy, A Trial Bibliography of "American, by Albert Bushnell Hart, Diplomatic Relations, The, of the United States and Spanish America, by John H. Latane (Review), 146. DislSre, Minister, 496. Dissenters, The Society of, with introduc- tion by Herbert L. Osgood (Docu- ments), 49S. DocumetUary History, The, of the Cam- paign upon the Niagara Frontier in 1812, edited by Col. E. Cruikshank (Review), 845. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault, Napo- leo7V s Invasion of Russia, by Hereford B. George (Review), 136 ; Napoleon: The Last Phase, by Lord Rosebery (Review), 565; Under Three Flags in Cuba, by George C. Musgrave (Re- view), 179; With Both Armies in South Africa, by Richard H. Davis (Review), 611. Dohm, Minister von, 244. Domesday record, the, 652, 654. Donelson, I. B., U. S. marshal, 45. Dongan, Governor, of N. Y., 701, 702. Doniol, Henri, Serfs et Vilains an Moyen Age, by E. P. Cheynev (Review), 355- Douglas, Stephen A., 28, 33. Douglas county, Kan., 45, 46. Doumer, Governor-general, 496. Dover, History of, by S. P. H. Statham (Review), 169. Dow, EarleW., 414. . Downfall of Spain, The: Naval History of the Spanish-American War, by H. W. Wilson, by H. C. Taylor (Re- view), 159. Drake, Joseph Rodman, 453. Drake, Samuel A., Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston (Review) , 391- Dreu.-, the battle of, 675. Duane, family, the, 262. Duane, of the Aurora, 448. Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt, The Philadel- phia Negro: A Social Study (Review), 162. Duclerc, Minister, 496. Dufaure, prime minister of France, 765- 769. Duke, Basil W., The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War, by John Fiske ( Re- view), 599. " Duke's ■ Laws," the, 697, 704-720, 722. Duncan, Adam,hy H. W. Wilson (Re- view), 3S8. Dunlop, Robert, Daniel 0' Connell and the Revival of National Life, in Ireland, by Victor Coffin (Review), 567. Dunning, William A., 427; remarks by, 422, Dunstable, rising of the burgesses of, 668. Duquesnay, deputy from Martinique, 4S6, 490. Durham, The Comity Palatine of, by Gaillard T. Lapsley, by Melville M. Bigelow (Review), 123, Durkee, Charles, 209. Dutchess County, 261. Dutch West India Company, the, in South America, 51, 55, 56, 61. Dye, Eva E.', McLaughlin and Old Ore- gon, by Frances F. Victor (Review), 148. Earle, Alice Morse, Stage-Coach and Tavern Days, by WILLIAM B. Weeden (Review), 580. Edes, Henry H., History of Maiden, Mass., by Deloraine P. Corey (Re- view), 175. Edmundson, Rev. George, article on Sweden's claims in South America by, 61. Education in the United Stales, edited by Nicholas M. Butler (Review), 393. Edward II., 651.