Indc. Curaana, 52. Cunningham, W., Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects, by E. P. Chey- NEY (Review), 774. Curumo, colony on the river, 63. Cuyuni, colony on the river, 54, 57, 61- 63- Dacres, Admiral James R., letters of, 528 ; letters to, 525-527. Dahn, Felix, 431. Daily Advertiser, the, 447. Daily Astorian, the, 284. Daily Minerva, the, 448. Dana, James Dwight, The Life of, by Daniel C. Gilman (Review), 844. Daniel C Connell and the Revival of Na- tional Life in Lreland, by Robert Dun- lop, by Victor Coffin (Review), 567. Darwin, Charles, quotation from, 197, 199, 211. D'Avenel, le Vicomte G., La Xoblesse Franfaise sous Richelieu, by James Breck Perkins (Review), 781. Davis, Andrew McF., 416 ; Jefferson, 467, 471 ; Matthew L., 449. Davis, Richard H., Il'ith Both Armies in South Africa, by Theodore Ayrault Dodge (Review), 611. Dawson, S. E., Cabot Bibliography, with an Introductory Essay on the Careers of the Cabots, by George P. Winship (Re- view), 574. Day, Benjamin H., 457, 45S. Day,' Clive, The History of Colonization from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Henry C. Morris (Review), 533- Dean, Sarah M., 428. -De Berton, John, 659. Debidour, A., Histoire des Rapports de I'Eglise et de I' Etat en France de lySc) a 1S70, by Charles L. Wells (Re- view), 362. Debow, J. B., 47. De Canynge, John, 664, 665, 667. Decatur, Stephen, by Cyrus T. Brady (Review), 389. Decazes, Due, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 766. Decline and Fall, Gibbon's, 226, 227. De Courtot, Memoirs of the Baroness Cecile, compiled by Moritz von Kaisen- berg, by Charles D. Hazen (Re- view), 130. Decrais, Minister of Colonies, 48S. De Draughton, Thomas, 662, 663. De Fijn, J., letter of, 57, 59. De Forest, J. W., The De Forests of Avesnes, by Henry M. Baird (Re- view), 844. De Forests of Avesnes, The, by J. V. De Forest, by Henry M. Baird (Re- view), 844. De Garford, Robert, 667. De Gonneville, voyage of, 671. De la Becke, Edmund, 665. De Lancey family, the, 262, 263, 274; James, 274. De la Roche, Jean Franfois, 6S2, 6S3, 688. Delaware, colonial settlements in, 695 ; Dutch settlements on the, 15 ; public land question in, 22. Delaware Bay, 694. Delaware river, the, 694, 695, 697, 719, 721-724. Delaware territories, the, 717-724. Delfico, Melchiorre, 635, 63S, 647. Delle Rovere, Francesco Maria, 640. Deltone, bishop of Rimini, 635. Demerara, the, 54- De Monts, voyage of, 671, 674, 676, 677, 683, 686, 688. Demosthenes, 216. Deniker, J., The Races of Man, by Wil- liam Z. Ripley (Review), no. Denis, voyage of, 671. Dennis, Alfred L. P., 415. Dennis, Alfred L. P., Eighteen Years in the Khyber, iSjg-iSgS, by Sir Robert Warburton (Review), 569; The Forward Policy and Its Results, by Richard I. Bruce (Review), 569. De Peyster family, the, 262. De Poutrincourt, voyage of, 674, 676. Deproge, representative from Martinique, 484, 4S6. Derby, Lord, 494-496. De Roo, P., History of America Before Columbus, according to Documents and Approved Authors, by H. W. H. (Re- view), 799. De Salazar, Jeanne, 675. Des Forests, Jesse, 53. De Smedt's Indian Sketches, 292. Despatches and Correspondence of John, Second Earl of Buckinghamshire, Am- bassador to the Court of Catherine II. ,