891 Collier, Adelaide D'A. (editor), Des- patches and Correspondence of John, Second Earl of Buckinghamshire ( Re- view), 3S7. Collins, Edward D., The American Slave-Trade, by John R. Spears (-Re- view), 5S6. Collins, E. K., 463, 464. Colonial Times on Buzzard's Bay, by William R. Bliss (Review), 391. Colonies, English Common Laio in the Early American, by Paul S. Reinsch, by W. M. West (Review), 5S4. Colonization, The History of, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, by Henry C. Morris, by Clive Day (Re- view), 533. Columbia, S. C, 736. Columbus, Christopher, 200-202 ; third voyage of, 672. Columbus, Ga., 40, 41. Commercial Advertiser, the, 44S, 453. Communipaw, 5. Compromise tariff of 1833, the, 25. Connecticut, the colony of, 15, 16, 694, 695, 703, 704, 707 ; public land question in, 23. Conseil Supirieur des Colonies, the, 492. Constantinople, capture of, 254, 255. Constitution, The Frigate, hylxs.^. HoUis, by H. C. Taylor (Review), 820. Constitutio7ial History of South Carolina, by D. D. Wallace, by W. Roy Smith (Review), 175. Conversion des Sauvages, 6SS-690. Coolidge, Archibald C, 415. CooLiDGE, Archibald Gary, Russia and the Russians, by Edmund Noble (Re- view), 791. Cooper, Dr. Thomas, Letters of, 152^-1832 (Documents), 725. Cooper, Mehetabel, 301 ; William, 301. Cooper, Samuel, Diary of, 1775-1776, with Introduction by Frederick Tuck- erman (Document), 301. Corbett, Julian S., Histoire de la Ma- rine Frangaise, Vol. II., La Guerre de Cent Ans ; Revolution Maritime, par Charles de la Ronci6re (Review), 546. Corbett, Julian S., The Successors of Drake, by W. F.TiLTON (Review), 551. Corey, Deloraine P., History of Maiden, Mass., by Henry H. Edes (Review), 175- Correspondance de Le Coz, ivlgiie Consti- tutionnel d' Ille-et- Vilaine, par le P. Roussel, by Charles L. Wells (Re- view), 133. Corsini, Cardinal, 645. Coues, Elliott, On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer ; The Diary and Itinerary of Francisco Garces, by Frank W. Black- mar (Review), 141. Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus, The, by James H. Wylie, by George Lincoln Burr (Review), 54S. County Palatine of Durham, The, by Gail- lard T. Lapsley, by Melville M. Bigelow (Review), 123. Courier and Enquirer, the, 452-459, 463, 464. Covington, Ga., 473. Cox, General Jacob D.(deceased), 182,472. Cox, Gen. Jacob D., Military Reminis- cences of the Civil War, by H. V. BoYNTON (Review), 602. Cradle of the Republic, The; Jamestown and James River, by Lyon G. Tyler (Review), 391. Crawford, Indian Commissioner, 2S3. Creighton, the Right Rev. Dr. Mandell, Bishop of London (deceased), 615. Critical Examination of Irish History, A, by T. Dunbar Ingram, by Ralph C. H. Catterall (Review), 779. Critical Study of KullificatioH in South Carolina, by Houston, 737. Cromwell, Oliver, by John Morley, by Guernsey Jones (Review), 652. Cromwell, Oliver, by Theodore Roosevelt, by Guernsey Jones (Review), 562. Cromwell's Foreign Relations, The Pro- testant Interest in, by Jacob N. Bowman, by Guernsey Jones (Review), 837. Croswell, Edwin, 449-451. 459- Cruger, John, 274. Cruikshank, Col. E. (editor), The Docu- mentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier in 1812 (Review), 845. Crusades, The Year woo and the Ante- cedents of the, by George Lincoln Burr, 429. Cuba, bill for the purchase of, 33 ; the coasts of, 672 ; the Spaniards in, 679. Cuba, Under Three Flags in, by George C. Musgrave, by Theodore A. Dodge, I (Review), 179.