Index Champdoce, voyages of, 6S5. Champlain, voyages of, 6S0-685, 689-691. Chapters from Illinois History, by Edward G. Mason, by Edwin Erle Sparks (Review), 825. Charles II., 693, 698, 70S. Charles V. of Germanv, 255, 641, 673, 675. Charles V. of France, 440, 445. Charles VI. of France, 440-442, 445. Charles VII. of France, 442, 443, 445. Charles X. of France, 646. Charlevoix, F. X. de. History ami General Description of A^ew France, Vol. I., edited by John G. Shea (Review), 811. Chartularium Vnivetsitatis Parisiensis, 440. Chase, Judge, 725. Chattanooga-Atlanta campaign, the, 466, 469. Cheetham, James, 447-449. Cheyne, T. K. (editor). Encyclopaedia Bihlica ; A Critical Dictioiiary of the Bible, Vol. II., by C. H. Toy (Re- view), 770. Cheyney, E. P., 427. Cheyney, E. p.. The End of Mllainage in England, by Thomas W. Page (Re- view), 355 ; England under the Pro- tector Somerset, by A. F. Pollard (Re- view), 553; Serfs et Vilains au Moyen Age, par Henri Doniol (Review), 355 ; The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 14S3, by Charles Gross (Review), 540; Western Civilizatioji in its Economic Aspects, by W. Cunningham (Review), 774. Chiaramonti, Cardinal, 645. Christianity in the Apostolic A^e, by George T. Purves, by Sh.iler Math- ews (Review), 539. Christie, Francis A., paper by, 416. Christie, Francis A., The Apostolic Age, by James V. Bartlet (Review), 537- Christophle, M., Minister of Public Works, 766, 769. Christy, Miller, The Silver Map of the World; A Geographical Essay, by George Parker Winship (Review), 358. Cicero, 216. Cicero, The Letters of edited by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh, by Albert Granger Harkness (Review), 607. Circular of the Union Party Committee of Correspondence for Charleston, 749. Civil War, Military Reminiscences of the, by Gen. Jacob D. Cox, by H. V. BoYN- TON (Review), 602. Civil War in America, Numbers ana Losses in the, 1861-iSds, by Thomas L. Livermore (Review), 598. Clark, A. Howard, 414, 424, 427, 42S. I Claviere, the banker, 239-241. Clay, Henry, 23, 25, 26. ' Clayton, Henry D., 41. Clayton- Btilwer Treaty, The History of the, by Ira B. Travis, by J. B. Moore (Review), 150. Clement VIII., 445. Clement XII., 644, 645. Cletgy in American Life and Letters, The, by Daniel D. Addison, by Barrett Wendell (Review), 576. Cleveland, President, Boundarj- Commis- sion of, 49. Clinton, De Witt, 44S, 449, 452. Clinton, George, Public Papers of. III., edited by Hugh Hastings (Review), 391. Clove, Admiral, 483 . Cobb, Howell, 472. Cochin-China, representation in, 496. Cochrane, Admiral Sir Alexander, 508 ; letters of, 521-524, 529, 530 ; letters to, 521-523; Capt. Thomas J., letter of, 521- Coffin, Victor, 416. Coffin, Victor, Daniel O' Connell and the Revival of National Life in Ireland, by Robert Dunlop (Review), 567; Kleber et Menou en igypte depuis le Depart de Bonaparte, edited by F. Rousseau (Review), 7S6 ; Souvenirs Politiques du Comte de Salaberry sur la Restauration, edited by the Comte de Salaberry (Review), 789. Coleman, William, 44S, 449, 453. Collection de Documents pour T Histoire Religieuse et Litterairt du Moyen Age, Tomes I. et II., edited by Paul Saba- tier (Review), 544. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, seventh series, Vol. I. (Re- view), S42. Collections of the State Historical Society of JVisco?isin, Vol. XV. (Review), 613.