889 Burnet, Bishop, History of My O'wn Time, edited by Dr. Osmund Airy, Vol. II (Review), 169. Burnett, Edmund C, An Outline of Political Gro^vth in the Nineteenth Con- tury, hy Edmund H. Sears (Review), 134- Burnett, Peter H., Recollections of 293. Burr, Aaron, 44S, 449; George L., 415, 416. Burr, George Lincoln, The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus, by James H. Wylie (Review), 54S ; The Guiana Boundary, 49 ; The Year 1000 and the Antecedents of the Crusades, 429. Burroughs, Stephen, 225, 226. Bury, J- B., A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great, by G. W. B. (Review), 345. Bury St. Edmunds, the town of, 659-663, 668. Bushwick, S. Busignano, 635. Butler, James, 26S. Butler, Nicholas M. (editor). Education in the United States (Review), 393. Cabochian Ordinance, the, 442. Caliot Bibliography, with an Introductory Essay on the Careers of the Cabots, by George P. Winship, by S. E. Dawson (Review), 574. Cabris, Mme. de, 23S. Caesar, Julius, 215. Caesar's Conquest of Gaul, by T. Rice Holmes (Review), 115. Caisse d' Escompte, 240. Caldwell, H. W., 428. Caldwell, Howard W., A Survey of Amer- ican History (Review), 3S8. Calendar of Documents preserved in France, illustrative of the History of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, edited by J. Horace Round, by George Burton Adams (Review), 351. Calhoun, John C, 203, 204, 206, 207, 725- 736- California, the public land question in, 35. Callahan, James M., American Relations in the Pacific and the Far East, by Hiram Bingham, Jr. (Review), 827. Calonne, Comptroller, 240, 241, 244, 246, 247, 252. Cambodia, 475. vol. VI. — 58. Campbell, Capt. Donald, letter of, 522. Canada, Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of (Review), 392. Canada, public land policy of, 26. Canada under British Rule, by Sir John G. Bourinot, by William MacDonald (Review), 830 Canajoharie, election of 174S in, 266, 267. Canso, 676, 677, 6S5. Canton, trade with, 254. Cape Breton, 671. Capetown to Ladysmith, From, by G. W. Steevens, edited by Vernon Blackburn (Review), 170. Capitulations, The Turkish, by James B. Angell, 254. Carlyle, Thomas, 215, 217, 21S, 227, 230. Carmarthen, Lord, 247. Carnaud, Deputy, 488. Carpegna, the counts of, 635. Carre, Sir Robert, 718. Cartagena, 508. Cartersville, 468. Cartier, Jacques, 671, 674, 677, 6S0-682, 685, 688. Cartwright, Benjamin, 268. Casole, the castle of, 635. Cass, Lewis, 208. Castille, Pierre de, 689. Catherine II., policy of, 245. Catterall, Ralph C. H., A Critical Examination of Irish History, by T. Dunbar Ingram (Review), 779. Cayet, Palma, 682. Cely Papers, The ; Selections from the Correspondence and Memoranda of the Cely Family, Merchants of the Staple, edited by Henry E. Maiden (Review), 384- Cent, the, 456. Century of American Diplomacy, A, by John V. Foster, by John Holladay LATANi; (Review), 587. Cerri, Antonio, 642. Chad wick, John W., Theodore Parker, Preacher and Reformer, by J. P. QuiNCY (Review), 374. Chamberlain, Daniel H., The Life of William H. Seward, by Frederic Ban- croft (Review), 152. Chamberlain,'^ Joseph, 495 ; the Hon. Mellen (deceased), 182. Chambord, Count of, 768.