Index Blancsube, deputy from Cochin-China, 492. Bliss, William R., Colonial Times on Biiz- sara's Bay (Review), 391. Bloch, Camille, Etudes sur r Histoire Eco- nomique de la France (1760-17S9), by Henry E. Bourne (Review), 7S4. Blue Jacket on the Wakai-usa, 44. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 645, 646, 649. Bonelli, Camillo, 642. Boniface VIII., 637. Borgia, Caesar, 640. Bostonian, the, 456. Bourinot, Sir John G., Canada under British Bide, by William MacDon- ALD (Review), S30. Bourne, Edward G. , 414, 419, 427, 428. Bourne, Edward Gaylord, The Legend of Marcus Whitman, 276. Bourne, Henry E., 419. Bourne, Henry E., Elndes sur P His- toire Economique de la France (1760- 1789), par Camille Bloch (Review), 784; Richelieu and the Groiuth of French Power, by James B. Perkins (Review), 561. Bowdoin, George S., 416. Bowen, Dr. Clarence W,, 425, 427. Bowman, H. M., Preliminary Stages of the Peace of Amiens (Review), 366. Bowman, Jacob N., The Protestant Interest in Cromwell's Foreign Relations, by Guernsey Jones (Review), 837. Boynton, H. v.. Military Reminiscences of the Civil ]Var, by Gen. Jacob D. Co. (Review), 602. Brabant, 662. Braccio, the condottiere, 638. Bradford's Gazette, 447. Brady, Cyrus T., Stephen Decatur (Re- view), 389. Brazil, voyage to, 671-673, 679. Breasted, James 'B.., A New Chapter in the Life of Thutmose III. , by Charles F. Kent (Review), S32. Breasted, James- Henry, Sesostris, by Kurt Sethe (Review), 535. Breckinridge, Vice-President J. C, 33. Breuckelen, 9, 14. Briarly, Lieut., letter of, 522. Bright, Professor William (deceased), 868. Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert, Due de (deceased), 616, 765. Bronson, Walter C, A Literary His- tory of America, by Barrett Wendell (Review), S07. Bronx peninsula, the, 696, 704. Brooklyn, 6, 8, 10. Brooks, Noah, Henty Knox, by Oswald Garrison Villard (Review i, 367. Brouillet, Vicar-General of Walla- Walla, 282. Brown, G. W., 45 ; John, 46. Brown, Marshall S., The Men Who Made the Nation, by Edwin E. Sparks (Review), SiS. Brown, William Garrott, Political Parties in the United States, by Jesse Macy (Review), 592. Brown Univeisity, 736. Browne, J. Ross, 282. Bruce, Richard I., The Forward Policy and its Results, by Alfred L. P. Den- nis (Review), 569. Brunswick, Ferdinand of, 242, 251. Bryan, William J., 213, 214. Br)'ant, William Cullen, 453. Buchanan, James V., 34-36. Buckinghamshire, Despatches and Corre- spondence of John, Second Earl of, edited by Adelaide D'A. Collier (Review), 387. Buckle, H. T., 217, 218, 230. Budde, Karl, Religion of Israel to the Exile, by C. H. Toy (Review), 112. Buel, Jesse, 449. Buell, Augustus C, Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy, by Edward Field (Review), 589. Buenos Ayres, 508, 509. Buffalo conference of 1848, the, 208. Buffalo convention of the Free-Soil party (1848), 28. Buford, Major Jefferson, 39-48. Bttford Expedition to Kansas, The, by Walter L. Fleming, 38. Bulfinch, Judith, 302 ; Thomas, 302. Bull Creek, Kan., 46. Bullock, Charles J., Essays on the Mone- tary History of the United States, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 579. Bureau of American Ethnology, Sez'en- teenth Annual Report, Vol. II., by Frank Russell (Review), 840. Burgundy, John, Duke of, 441, 442. Burke, Click R. , A Histoiy of Spain, edited by Martin A. S. Hume, by Charles H. Haskins (Review), 167.