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887 Counsellor of the French Reformation, by Paul van Dyke (Review), 551. Baker, Alpheus, 41, 43, 47. Baldwin, Simeon E , 416. Baltimore Sun, the, 464. Bancroft, Frederic, The Life of William H. Seward, by Daniel H. Chamhkr- LAIN (Review), 152. Bancroft, George, 220, 221. Bancroft's Oregon, 292, 296. Banking in the United States, A History of, by John Jay Knox, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 377. Barbour, Sir David, 495. Barima, colony on the river, 59-61. Barnwell District, 736. Baronius, Cardinal, 430, 432, 675. Barre, Nicolas, 679. Barrow, Henry, Separatist, and the Ex- iled Church of Amsterdam, by Fred. J. Powicke, by WiLLisTON Walker (Re- view), 777. Barruel, statements concerning Mirabeau by, 247. Earth, Dr., 242, 243. Bartlet, James V. , The Apostolic Age : Its Life, Doctrine, Worship and Polity, by Francis A. Christie (Review), 537. Basanier, French mathematician, 678. Bascom, John, The Growth of Nationality in the United States (Review), 172. Basnage, interpretation of the Treaty of Miinster by, 56. Bassi, Ugo, 646. Bavaria, succession to, 246. Bayles, George J., paper by, 416. Beale, Joseph H.,Jr., Historical Juiis- prudencc, by Guy C. Lee (Review), 531. Beauharnais, Eugene de, 646. Beauregard, General, 467. Becker, Carl, Nominations in Colonial New York, 260. Beissenteufel, Frederic, grant to, 58. Bell, Capt. E. R., 45. Belleforest, history by, 67S. Belluzzi College, 643. Belluzzi, Giambattista, 642. Beltran, diary of Captain Mateo, 63. Benedict XIV., 645. Benjamin, Park, 463. Bennett, Frank M., The Monitor and the Navy under Steam, by H. C. TAYLOR (Review), 820. Bennett, James Gordon, 456, 45S-465. Benton, T. H., public land policy of, 22-24. Berengarius 11., 635. Beresford, Capt. John P., letter of, 520; letter to, 519. Bergen, 8, 9. Berkshire, 663, 666. Berlin, Mirabeau's mission to, 235, 239, 241-253. Berri, Duke of ( 1410), 441, 444. Berrio, Don Antonio, letter of, 52. Berthaut, General, 768, 769. Beza, Theodore, the Counsellor of the French Reformation (1519-1605), by Henry M. Baird, by Paul van Dyke (Re- view), 551. Biard's Relation, 690. Bibliography of American Diplomacy, A Trial, by Albert Bushnell Hart, 848-S66. Bihliotheque des Merveilles, 435. Bicknell, Edward, Territorial Acquisitions of the f7HVf(/&ai'« (Review), 173. Biedermann, Karl (deceased), 868. Biencourt, Andre de, 675 ; Charles de, 675 ; Florimond de, 675 ; Jacques de, 675 ; Jean de. Seigneur de Poutrincourt, 67s, 683-689. BiGELOVV, John, Jr., The Storming of Stony Point on the Hudson, by Henry P.Johnston (Review), 144. BiGELOw, Melville Madison, The County Palatine of Durham, by Gail- lard T. Lapsley (Review), 123. BiGGAR, H. P., The French Hakluyt ; Marc Lescaibot of Vennns, 671. Bingham, Hiram, Jr., ^«/f«Va?2 Relations in the Pacific and the Far East, by James M. Callahan (Review), 827. Bispal, Father, letter from, 61. Bittinger, Lucy F., The Germans in Co- lonial Times, by ]L D. Learned ( Re- view), 813. Black, J. Sutherland (editor). Encyclo- paedia Biblica : A Critical Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. IL, by C. H. Toy (Re- view), 770. Blackburn, Vernon (editor). From Cape- to-wn to Ladysmith, by G. W. Steevens (Review), 170. Blackmar, Frank W., On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer; The Dairy and Itin- erary of Francisco Garces, by Elliott Coues (Review), 141. Blair, Francis P., 450.

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