AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW ^Tke of' •all capilah Abbo, of Fleury, 430-432, 436. Abbott, Evelyn, A History of Greece, Part III., by G. W. B. (Review), 346. Abbott, Lyman, Life and Literature of the Ancient Hehrr.vs, by C. H. ToY (Review), 772. Abbott, Wilbur C, remarks by, 421. Abingdon, rising of the burgesses of, 663- 668. Acadia, 683, 685, 692. Acosta, Joseph, 679. Acta Sanctorum, the, 633. Act of Toleration, the, 498. Adam Duncan, by H. V. Wilson (Re- view), 388. Adams, Charles Francis, 424, 427 ; Charles K., 427; George B., 424, 425, 427; Henry, 427 ; Herbert B., 414, 424, 427 ; John, 302, 509, 725 ; John Quincy, 23, 25, 204-20S, 213, 230-234 ; Samuel, 302. Adams, CH.'iRLEs Francis, The Sifted Grain and the Grain Sifters, 197. Adams, George Burton, Calendar of Documents preserved in France, illus- trative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, edited by J. Horace Round (Review), 351. Adams, fohn Quincy, Letter of, 18 11 (Doc- uments), 341. Addison, Daniel D., The Cle'-gy in Amer- ican Life and Letters, by BARRETT Wendell (Review), 576. Addison, Joseph, 643. Adson, abbot, 432, 436. Africa, trade of, 254. Airy, Dr. Osmund (editor), Burnet's His- tory of My Own Time (Review), 1 69. Ajax, the clipper, 454, 455. Alabama, the Kansas question in, 39-43 public lands in, 28. Alabama Journal, the, 42. Albany, colonial elections in, 266-268. Albany Advertiser, the, 457. Albany County, 261, 266-270. Albany Evening Journal, the, 450, 451. Albany Evening Register, the, 449. Albany Regency, the, 449, 450, 458. Alberoni, Cardinal, 644. Albornoz, Cardinal, 637, 638. Alexander family, the, 262. Alexander the Great, by Benjamin Wheeler (Review), 113. Alexander VI., 640. Alfonse, Jean, 671, 682. Alfonso of Aragon, King of Naples, 639. Alger, Gen. Russell A., 413. Algiers, the government of, 496. All^gre, Governor, 483, 486. Amalfi, trade of, 254. Ameiica, History of, before Columbus, ac- cording to Documents and Approved Au- thors, by P. de Roo, by H. W. H. ( Re- view), 799. America, History of the A'czu World called. Vol. ir., by Edward J. Payne, by Frank Russell (Review), 796. America, A Literary History of, by Barrett Wendell, by Walter C. Bronson (Re- view), 807. .'America, Monographic History of, a pro- ject for, 424, 425. American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions, the, 278-280, 290, 291, 29s, 296. American Citizen, the, 447, 448.