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years remembered by her, and a sketch of his characteristics. It is an interesting picture, of a life devoted to high public aims and of a character truly admirable and winning. A fine portrait of Mr. Julian, from a photograph taken when he was si.xty-one, and a figure of his death- mask, are given. We understand that the Bowen-Merrill Co. of India- napolis now have a few copies of the memorial on sale. Messrs. D. Appleton and Co. have published, under the title A Sai/or's Log, recollections of forty years of naval life by Rear-Admiral, Robley D. Evans, U. S. N. The Century Co. has just issued a new and cheaper edition, in four volumes, of Battles and Leaders of the Civil Il'ar, edited by Messrs. Robert U. Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history for 1900, delivered at the Johns Hopkins University by Dr. James M. Callahan, have been published Qohns Hopkins Press) under the title, Tlie Diplomatic His- tory of the Southern Confederacy. Messrs. Doubleday, Page and Co. have published Up from Slavery, the autobiography of Mr. Booker T. Washington, the present principal of Tuskegee Institute. The Philippine Information Society has now issued seven pamphlets of its first series of ten. It is intended to compile in each pamphlet those portions of the various governmental documents which deal with a certain period or event, thus providing readers with a documentary his- tory in convenient and summary form. The current series comprises : (i) Jose Rizal and the Insurgent Movement of 1896 ; (2) Aguinaldo ; (3) The Insurgent Government of 1898; (4) Our Relations with the Insurgents prior to the Fall of Manila, 1898 ; (5) Aguinaldo and the American Generals ; (6) Iloilo ; (7) Outbreak of Hostilities, February 1S99; (8) Efforts for an Armistice, April and July 1899; (9) Efforts at Recognition; (10) Present Condition. Messrs. G. E. Littlefield and Co. (Boston) announce The Westhrook Papers, letters of Colonel Thomas Westbrook and others, relative to Indian affairs in Maine from 1722 to 1726, edited by Mr. W. Blake Trask. A IListoiy of Sa/ford, Maine, 1661-igoo, by Edwin Emery, has been edited and published by his son, Mr. W. Morrell Emery (Fall River, Mass.). Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin and Co. have published, under the title Jonathan Edwards: A Retrospect, the addresses delivered at the me- morial service in Northampton, upon the one hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of the dismissal of Edwards from the pastorate of the First Church of that town. The volume is edited by Professor H. Norman Gardiner of Smith College, and contains historical papers by Dr. A. V. G. Allen, Dr. Egbert C. Smyth, and others.

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