878 Notes and News
The J. B. Lippincott Co. publish The History of Medicine in the United States, by Dr. Francis Randolph Packard. The period covered is that from the earliest English colonization to 1800. The latest issues in the series of Johns Hopkins Studies are mono- graphs on State Activities in Relation to Labor in the United States, and on the History of Suffrage in Virginia, by Mr. W. F. AVilloughby of the U. S. Department of Labor and Professor J. A. C. Chandler, of Rich- mond College, respectively. The publication of the seventy-first volume of The Jesuit Relations (Burrows Bros.) completes the entire work with the exception of the in- dex, which will constitute Vols. LXXIL and LXXIIL of the series. Volume LXXIL will contain Mr. Thwaites's final preface, in which he will review the whole undertaking. The first volume was published in November, 1896 ; the seventy-first, in December, 1900. An edition of the Bay Psalm Book will shortly be published by Mr. James Warrington (Philadelphia) as one of a series of facsimile reprints of famous American musical books. Mr. Warrington has also in prep- aration a bibliography to be entitled Short Titles of Books Relating to or Illustrating the History and Practice of Psalmody in the United States, 1620-1820. A new installment (Vol. II., part 7) of The Georgian Period, by Messrs. G. C. Gardner, Sylvester Baxter and others (Boston, American Architect and Building News Co.) has just appeared, and contains thirty-three plates of colonial houses with measurements, as well as de- scriptive articles. The drawings were made by pupils of the Architectural Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, during the summer schools of 1894 and 1S95. Earl Grey is reported to have discovered among the papers of his family, coming down from the first earl, an original manuscript diary kept by Major John Andre during the years 1777 and 1778, with maps by his own hand illustrating the progress of the American war. The J. B. Lippincott Company have just ready a cheaper edition of Elliot's Debates. John Marshall, by Professor James Bradley Thayer of the Harvard Law School, appears as a new volume in the Riverside Biographical Series (Houghton, Mifflin and Co.). A reprint of The War of 181 2, by Major John Richardson, is shortly to be published by the Historical Publishing Company (Toronto). This is the first reprint since the original edition in 1842. A biography of the author and a bibliography will be furnished by Mr. A. C. Cassel- man. Under the title George IV. Julian; Some Impressions, Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke, daughter of Mr. Julian, has set forth in a quite small book, privately printed, the story of her father's life, especially of the