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Lorraine and of Metz ; of Regesten of the bishops ; of the Schreinsrollcn of the thirteenth century; and of calendars of documents in the Vati- can archives. The first volume of Registres dit Conseil de Geneve will shortly be published by M. Emile Rivoire, for the Societe d'Histoire et d'Arche- ologie de Geneve. The series will consist of four volumes, of which the first will cover the period from February 26, 1409, to February 6, 1461. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : J. Fickers, Das langobardische iind die skandinavischen Rechte (Mittheilungen des Instituts fur oester- reichische Geschichtsforschung, XXII. i) ; Sophia Dorothea of Celle (Edinburgh Review, January) ; O. Hintze, Der Oesterreichische iind der Preussische Beamtenstaat im ij. mid 18. Jahrhiindert (Historische Zeit- schrift, LXXXVI. 3) ; P. Haake, Ein Politisches Testament Konig Augusfs des Starken (Historische Zeitschrift, LXXXVII. i) ; A. G. Keller, The Beginnings of German Colonization (Yale Review, May) ; F. Meinecke, Die Bismarck-Htteratur der letzten Jahre (Historische Zeit- schrift, LXXXVII. I). NETHERLANDS. A portion of Dutch diplomatic history particularly important to the student of colonial New York, and indeed to the student of British colonial history at large, is illustrated in an elaborate Leiden doctoral dissertation by N. Japikse, De Verwikkelingen iusschen de Republiek en Engeland van i66o-i66ยง (Leiden, S. C. van Doesburgh, pp. Ixviii, 476). Dr. Japikse has studied with minute care the papers of DeWitt, Sir George Downing, Clarendon, Comenge, etc. The twenty-first volume of the Bijdragen en Mededeelingen of the Utrecht Historical Society contains a report on the condition of the Dutch West India Company, presented to the States of Holland in 1633 by the Amsterdam Chamber, an important recovered fragment of the lost archives of the company. NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE. Messrs. Williams and Norgate will shortly publish the concluding volume (Vol. IV.) of Old N'orthern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, by the late Professor George Stephens. The Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfund of Upsala, with aid from the authorities of the city of Stockholm, has begun the publication, under the scholarly editorial care of Professor Karl Hildebrand, of a series of volumes relating to the history of that city. A beginning has been made with Stockliolms Stads Privilegiebref, 1423-ijoo, of which the first part (Stockholm, Wahlstrom and Widstrand, pp. 160), embraces the patents down to that given by Gustavus Adolphus in February, 1614, inclusive. AMERICA. Messrs. A. C. McClurg and Co. have just issued a History of the American People, by Dr. Francis Newton Thorpe.

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