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876 Notes and Nezus

Over six hundred signatures have been obtained to a petition, drawn up by the historical professors of Marburg, and addressed to the imperial chancellor, praying that the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome may be so reorganized as to become, upon a broader basis, a German Histor- ical Institute. The retirement of Dr. W. Friedensburg was the special occasion of the present movement. Professor Ludwig Pastor of Inns- bruck has been appointed director of the Austrian Institute in the place of Hofrath Theodor von Sickel. The Macmillan Co. announce A Short History of Germany, by Dr. Ernest F. Henderson, whose History of Germany in the Middle Ages (London, Bell, 1894) is well known. The historical section of the Prussian General Staff is about to begin the issue of a series entitled Urkiindliche Beitriige and Forscliungen zur Gcschichte des preussischcn Heeres (Berlin, E. S. Mittler and Son). There will be two or three issues a year, each complete in itself, and consisting now of a collection of related documents, now of an historical mono- graph. Dr. Florenz Landmann has published a substantial contribution to the study of the religious condition of Germany in the fifteenth century under the title Das Fredigfioesen in Westfalen in der letzten Zeit des Mittelalters (Miinster, Aschendorff ) . It is the first of a series of Vorre- formationsgeschichtliche Studien edited by Professor Finke of Munster. Messrs. Schwetschke and Sons of Berlin are to publish a critical edition of Zwingli's works, edited by Professors Egli of Zurich and G. Finster of Basel. The first of the volumes to be published for the University of Penn- sylvania by Messrs. Longmans, Greenland Co., who have undertaken the issue of its historical series, will be Selections frorn the Writings of Zwingli, edited by Professor Samuel M. Jackson of New York University. In the April number of the Deutsche Rundschau Dr. Richard Ehren- berg begins a series of articles on the Fuggers and the growth of their property and business enterprises. At the last " Historikertag, " held in Halle, an edition of the political correspondence of Charles V. was actively discussed. The plan is now assured of success, the new Austrian Historical Commission having adopted it as a part of its programme. Dr. Goetz's Franz Heinrich Reusch : Fine Darstelliing seiner Lebens- arbeit (Gotha, Perthes), will be welcomed as an account of the life and labor of one of Germany's most eminent scholars, and as a contribution to the history of the Old Catholic movement. Subventions from the provincial and district governments, the city of Metz and private contributors have permitted the " Gesellschaft fiir lothringische Geschichte " to attempt a larger programme. Arrange- ments have been made for the publication of series of the chronicles of

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