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874 Notes and News

Noteworthy articles in periodicals : S. Brodhurst, The Merchants of the Staple (Law Quarterly Review, January) ; The First Century of the East India Company (Quarterly Review, January) ; B. Williams, The Foreign Policy of England under Walpole, V. (English Historical Review, April) ; The Character of Queen Victoria (Quarterly Review, April). FRANCE. The Societe de I'Histoire de France has just issued the Memoires of the Vicomte de Turenne. During the present year it expects to distribute Vol. III. oiie Journal dii Chevalier de Quincy (ed. Lecestre) and Vol. I. of the journal of Jean Vallier, relating to the Fronde (ed. Courteault and de Vaissierej. All readers of Froissart who know how infinitely on every literary ground the ancient translation by Lord Berners is to be preferred to all others, and how difficult it is to procure, will welcome the announcement that a reprint, with an introduction by Mr. William Paton Ker, has been published by Mr. David Nutt in his series of Tudor Translations. The second issue of the Repertoire Metlwdique de P Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine de la France (Paris, George Bellais), edited by Briere and Caron, covers the year 1S99. It is a volume of 229 pages com- posed with admirable care, and embraces 3638 items or titles. It is needless to say that it is indispensable to the serious student of modern French history. An organization has been formed in Paris, with Professor Aulard as general secretary, for the purpose of publishing a Dictionnaire Encyclope- dique de la Revolution Fran(aise, marked by the highest scholarship. It is intended that the work, published in parts, shall comprise four oc- tavo volumes, and cost about a hundred francs. M. Aulard will shortly publish Vol. XIV. of his Recueil des Actes du Comite de Salut Public, and the fifth and last volume, with a general in- dex, of his Paris pendant la Reaction Therinidorienne et sous le Directoire. M. Gabriel Hanotaux has in press z. Histoire de France Contemporaine (Paris, Combet) extending from 187 1 to the present time. Cent Jours du Siege a la Prefecture de Police, by M. A. Cresson (Paris, Plon), is the account of an episode in the Franco-Prussian war, covering the period from November 2, 1870, to February 11, 1871, and written by the then prefect of police. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: A. Droin, L' Expulsion des Jesuites sous Henri IV. et leur Rappel (Revue d' Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, May) ; A. Liard, Saint-Simon et les Etats Generaux (Revue Historique, May) ; G. Lacour-Gayet, La Bataille de M. de Conflans, 1759 (Revue Historique, May) ; A. Vandal, La Conquete de Paris par Bonaparte, 1 799-1800 (Revue des Deux-Mondes, April 15, May I, 15) ; M. Philippson, La Paix d' Amiens et la Politique Generate

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