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Ancient History 869

William H. Egle, M.D., editor of many volumes of the Pennsylvania Archives, second and third series, and author of a history of Pennsylvania and histories of Dauphin and Lebanon counties, died at Harrisburg, Feb- ruary 19, aged seventy. Professor Max Farrand of Wesleyan University has been appointed head of the department of history at Leland Stanford University. His place at Middletown is to be taken by Dr. Dutcher of Cornell University. Dr. Theodore Clarke Smith becomes assistant professor of American history in the Ohio State University. Professor Henry Ferguson, of Trinity College, has leave of absence for the academic year 1 901-190 2. The plan for the historical congress to be held in Rome in April, 1902, involves the maintenance of three sections. One will be occupied with general questions, questions of method and theory, the auxiliary sciences, economic history and the relations of history to sociology ; one with ancient history ; one with medieval and modern history. A review of historical progress in the nineteenth century will be attempted. Messrs. Lea Brothers and Co. are about to bring out, under the editorship of Professor J. H. Wright of Harvard University, a transla- tion of the Allgenieine Geschiehte prepared some years ago by Flathe, Justi, Pflugk-Harttung, Philippson and others. The translation will include a continuation from 1S70 to 1900 by Professor Charles M. An- drews of Bryn Mawr and three volumes of American history by Mr. John Fiske, and will be published in twenty-four volumes. The Oxford L^niversity Press announces a small book (pp. 296) on The Relations of Geography and History, by Mr. Hereford B. George. A revised and enlarged translation of Professor G. Sergi's The Medi- terranean Race : A Study of the Origin 0/ European Peoples has been pub- lished as a volume in Mr. Havelock Ellis's "Contemporary Science Series" (London, Walter Scott). Among the recent books of an educational nature is Liberty Docu- ments, with contemporary exposition and critical comment drawn from various writers, the whole selected and prepared by Miss Mabel Hill of the Lowell (Mass.) State Normal School, and edited with an introduc- tion by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart of Harvard LTniversity. ANCIENT HISTORY. A History of Babylonia and Assyria, by Dr. Robert W. Rogers (New York, Eaton and Mains) contains, beside the historical information sug- gested by the title, an account of recent explorations and excavations in the regions named, and an extensive dissertation on the sources at the historian's disposal.

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