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Hyde de Neuville, Memoires et Souvenirs, 3 vols., (Paris, 1S88- 1893), and Adolphe de Bacourt, Souvenirs (fun Diploniate : Lettres Intinies si/r I' Amerique (Vaxis, 1882). The English memoirs and biographies containing correspondence are very numerous ; some of. them are mentioned in T. J- Walker, Science of International Law, pp. vii-xvi. A few which have especial signifi- cance for American relations are : E. P. Brenton, Life and Correspondence of John, Earl of St. Vincent. — -On the first stage of the Napoleonic Wars. Sir H. L. Bulwer and E. Ashley, Life of Lord Palnierston, 4 vols., (London, 1874-1876). Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice, Life of Shelburne, 3 vols., (London, 1875- 1876). G. H. Francis, Opinions and Policy of Lord Palnierston (London, 1852). ^^^ Bodham Donne, editor. Correspondence of George the Third ivith Lord North, ij6S to Jj8j (London, 1S67). — Very important for the negotiations of 1782. Captain Basil Hall, Fragments of Voyages and Travels, Including Anecdotes of a Naval Life (Philadelphia, 1831). — On captures of neu- tral vessels. James Harris, Earl of Malmesbury, Diaries and Correspondence, con- taining an Account of his Missions (London, 1S45). James Howard Harris, Earl of iSIalmesbury, Memoirs of an E.x-Min- ister, an Autobiogi-aphy, 1814-1H52 (London, 1S84J. Lady Jackson, editor, ^/> George Jackson : The Bath Archives ; A Further Selection from Diaries and Letters from i8og to 1816 (London, 1873). — O" F- J- Jackson's mission to the United States, in 1S09. John, Earl Russell, editor, Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fo.v, 4 vols., (London, 1853-1857). John, Earl Russell, Recollections and Suggestions, 1813-18-J (Lon- don, 1875). Philip Henry, Earl Stanhope, Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, 4 vols., (London, 1861-1862). E. J. Stapleton, editor. Some Official Correspondence of George Can- ning, 1JJO-1S27, 2 vols., (London, 1887). — Essential on the Monroe Doctrine. Spencer Walpole, The Life of Lord John Russell, 2 vols., (London, 1889). R. R. Pearce, Memoirs and Correspondence of Richard, Marquess Wellesley, 3 vols., (London, 1846). H. Manuscript Archives. The manuscript official files of the government, including instruc- tions, despatches to and from ministers and consuls, claims against foreign