76 Docitments
five sen-" ashore to Hampton in order to sell their Indentures, But re- turned again at Midnight with [out] selling any more but one Boat Builder, he brought onb with him four Barrells Virginia Pork and one Puncheon D? rum, and 3 live hogs. Tuesday, jii. Wind at W. N. W. fine moderate weather, at 6 AM weigh' d Anchor from Hampton Roads, and stood out to sea untill we made the Entry of Rappahannock river, which we did at 10 AM, pro- ceeding up the same for Fredericksburgh. at 6 pm came to an anchor at Arrabanna. ' Frciday, 6th. Wind as before, at 4 AM got under saile and stood up the river and at 9 AM passed by the Town of Hobshole" and let it on our Larboard hand as we did the Town of Arrabanna. at Hobshole there was five Glasgow ships and an English Brigantine lying, at 2 pm we passed by Leedstown' on our Starboard hand where there was a ship from London lying with Convicts, at night came to anchor about 6 Miles above Leedstown. Saturday, -/th. This morning thick weather, at 10 AM got under way and stood up to Port Royall on our Larboard hand where we arrived at 2 pm, The Cap! going ashore to change his Pillot, and at 4 pm re- turned with Another and we imediatly got under way again and got about 7 miles above Port Royall before dark, all along both sides of the River there is nothing to be seen but woods in the blossom, Gentlemens seats and Planters houses. Sunday, 8th. Early this morning died the old German, a man be- tween 60 and 70 years of age. at 5 AM weigh'd Anchor and tow'd and warped up, it being quite calm, at 9 AM was obliged to come to an Anchor, and ly untill the tide made, and then weigh'd and got about 3 Miles above Port Morton where we lay all night, this forenoon we lost one of our live hogs, he Jumping overboard and swiming ashore and imediatly got into the woods, at night the Cap! carried the old German ashore and Burried him somewhere in the woods. Tuesday, loth. At 2 AM weigh'd and stood up with the tide, came to an anchor at 6 AM and lay untill Do. 8 when we weigh'd with a fair wind and got to our Moorings at 6 pm at the Toun of Fredericksburgh. Wednesday, nth. At 10 AM Both Coopers and the Barber from our Mace went ashore upon tryall. At night one Daniel Turner a serv' returned onb^ from Liberty so drunk that he abused the Cap' and chief Mate and Boatswan to a verry high degree, which made to be horse whip' put in Irons and thumb screwed, on houre afterward he was un- thumbscrewed, taken out of the Irons, but then he was hand cuffed, and gagged all night. Thursday, 12th. All hands quite on board this day. Turner un- gagged But continoued in handcuffs. > Urbanna, in Middlesex County. ^Hobb's Hole, in Richmond County. See American Historical Review, V. 313, 314, Journal of Philip Fithian, August 2 of this same year. ' Leeds, in Westmoreland. I