764 Documents
but no commissions of which I am very much in want. Please send copy of the bond which I must require upon delivery of the arms. Very Respectfully Your Ob' Serv' James H. H.mmond Col. AV. E. Hayne Ass. Adj. and insp. Gen. XXV. W.M. E. Hayne to James H. Hammond. Sir Adj. and Insp. General's Office Charleston Jan. aSth 1833. I herewith inclose you Twenty blank Commissions. Arms will be forwarded as soon as arrangements can be made for that purpose. Bonds required upon the delivery of Arms are now in press and you will be fur- nished with a supply as soon as printed. Very Respectfully Your ob. Serv' AVm : Ed : Hayne Ass! Adj. and Insp. General. Colonel James H. Hammond. XXVI. Robert Y. Hayne to Francis W. Pickens. Charleston 31" Jan' '33 Dear Sir, Your truly gratifying Report has been rec'^ If you think you can keep them safely you may remove 300 muskets from the Abbeville arsenal to Edgefield C. H. also 3000 lbs. Lead. You may also have 100 kegs of Powder, which you may draw from the same place unless an advantage- ous purchase of that quantity can be made through some merchant in Ham- burgh from Augusta. If 100 kegs of 25 lbs. each can be had at from $5. to s6, you may purchase that amount — if not draw them from Abbeville. I do not know that we can spare you a 9 Pounder for Hamburgh, but a piece of some sort can be furnished, and will be if you require it, and think it would be useful. As to the Armory, if a few workmen can be employed on reasonable terms to clean and repair arms, you may employ them, but you had better engage them by the month, and let me know the expense. The necessary repairs must be made, and a suitable person be employed to take charge of the Arms, but let our expenses be as small as possible. Any number of men who may meet at the Court House for drill may be furnished with arms, to be returned to the Arsenal when the drill is over. As to calling in Arms I do nolfor the present wish to do more than to get possession of those not in use, or which may need repair. Private arms we have nothing to do with, unless their owners choose to give them to us. I will enquire about the Standards for you, and will send you some copies of Hoyt as soon as I have an opportunity. If you know of any