Nullification in South Carolina, i8jo-iSj^ 763
Barnwell District so far as it has progressed under the General Orders of the 25 of December last. On Friday last I inspected at Barnwell Court House Capt' Schmidts company of Jefferson Volunteers. I inclose you a list of the names of the Officers and privates. You will perceive that there are forty eight of the latter and the non commissioned Officers who will require muskets, and I must request you to forward them to me by the rail road to the care of C. Dewitt Esq. near Edisto river. As there will probably be many names yet added to the list, if you forward any it would be as well to send seventy five stand. They will be wanted any how. This Com- pany will have a fine uniform and is intended to be permanent. On Saturday I attended a muster of Cap' M^Tyiere's rifle corps at Ford's Mea- dow on little Salt Catcher. Owing to accidental circumstances, the Company were not all warned and did not turn out in numbers sufficient to undergo inspection. There will be about sixty privates in this Corps and if you have arms to furnish I beg you to forward that many rifles to me at the same place as I shall inspect and Commission them in a few days. This Company will be well uniformed and permanent also. On Monday I inspected Cap' Laffittes company of Riflemen near M'^Coy's bluff on Savannah River. I send you a list of their names and request you to forward arms for them, say sixty stand, to Matthew's Bluff, care of S. R. Cannon Esq. This company will be handsomely uniformed and probably permanent. There are other Volunteer Corps forming in the District of which I shall give you notice so soon as I inspect and com- mission them. I send you a list of Capt Johnson's Troop who Volun- teered at their last muster. Col. Hogg was present and inspected them and ^ furnish you all necessary information respecting them. Cap'. Tindrells company of Riflemen mustered last Saturday and he was ordered to forward to me a full report of the state of their arms &:c. wh. I am now expecting to receive. Cap! Holden's Company also mus- tered at Buford's Bridge on Saturday. Of those present only four mus- kets were found out of repair. I think I shall be able to have them repaired here. The Company did not volunteer as a whole, but every individual signed a list which will be filled up in a few days. I ordered the muskets of the Old Company, sixty in number, to be collected at Buford's Bridge and will arm the new company with them. They are however of a very inferior quality. Of the General State of the arms in Barnwell I can inform you in few words. Besides the sixty muskets al- luded to. Cap'. Touchstone's Company have sixty more which I have not yet inspected and Cap' Tindrell's sixty rifles of very inferior quality. These comprise all the public arms. Of the private I can only say, that as in every other part of the state, there is scarcely a man in Barnwell district who has not a rifle or Shotgun. The latter is in most common use here and little to be depended on in regular warfare. I have promised arms to all the Volunteers as soon as they can be procured and beg you will inform me as early as possible whether they can be obtained or not by letter to Barnwell C. H. I rec'.' twelve copies of the " Abstract &:c,"