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NHllification in South Carolina, iSjo-i8j-f 757

chosen officers and appointed a day to be inspected. A Company of mounted riflemen has been formed near Matthew's Bluff, will choose officers on the 10'" inst. and have appointed a day to be inspected. Cap Holdens Company will volunteer. Capt Johnsons will do the same and probably Capt Tindrells. Of the regular beat companies a number, though I cannot now say how many, will volunteer with their officers. I have requested the beat Captains wherever I have thought they would Volun- teer to call their Companies to-gether and ascertain their wishes and report to me between the 20 inst and the i of February. I shall myself attend several of their musters. A company is also forming which if it succeeds I shall take the liberty of presenting to your particular atten- tion. It is to be called the Volunteer veterans and to embrace all the revo- lutionary remains of the district ; No one will be admitted who is under Fifty years of age. At the head of this project are Old Col. Tarlton Brown, Genl Walker and Capt Trotti. If it were not for the Troop and rifle companies I think I could promise to have organized for you by the middle of February an entire Regiment in this District. Excluding them we shall certainly have a Battalion well filled. I should be glad to know from you in what capacity you wish the rifle Corps to act, whether as infantry of the Bat- talion or as detached Corps, and particularly the mounted Riflemen. On this point please instruct me as early as possible as I have fixed on Saturday the 19"" to inspect a rifle Corps and Monday the 21 to inspect the mounted riflemen. In this emergency, unless otherwise instructed, I shall not be rigid as to the uniform and equipments of the Volunteer Corps as it will be impossible for every man to be completely appointed on so short a notice. It is with this understanding that appointments for inspection have been made. I have pursued your instructions in relation to the minute men and have in every case instructed the Leader of a squad to report to me by the 20 inst. I have every expectation that a company of one hundred men can be raised by that time, of which I will give due notice in my report to the Assistant Adjutant and Inspector General. According to your directions I have informed the Colonels of the District that they can obtain the "Abstract of Manoeuvres " upon ap- plication. If I had a dozen copies myself I could make an excellent use of them immediately. Major Dunbar, Commander of the Upper Squad- ron of Col Hoggs regiment, has requested me to obtain for him twelve copies of " Hoyt's Cavalry." I promised him that they should be here next week and must beg you to direct them to be forwarded to " Major Francis F. Dunbar, Barnwell C. H." by the Stage. I have been applied to for several commissions and as I shall want a number myself I must also beg you to have forwarded to me at this place to the care of the Postmaster about three dozen or more if they can be spared. If you have any instructions for me, they will reach me until the i 7'" at Augusta, on the 18'" here and after that at Augusta again, and I have to request you, as I have occasionally to lay aside the military part of my

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