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Marc Lcscarbot 691

changes from the edition published in 161 1. Editions also of the History dated 16 18 only differ from the edition of 16 17 in the cor- rection of the errata and the consequent absence of this leaf In the same year 16 18, in which also appeared his Tableau de la Suisse mentioned above, Lescarbot published a small pam- phlet on the fall of Concini from power.' After congratulating Louis XIII. on his courage in getting rid of such a pest, ' he urges him to put an end to the Turkish empire and to subdue the peoples of New France. ^ After Lescarbot's marriage, which took place in the following year, doubtless as a result of his appointment to the post of naval commissioner,^ we hear nothing more of him until the year 1629, when he published a small volume of verse on the defeat of the English at La Rochelle. ^ On the title-page he calls himself " Marc Lescarbot Esquire Seigneur de Wiencourt et de Sainct Audebert." This title he inherited though his wife Frangoise de Valpergue though in what year we do not know. ' This is the last production from Lescarbot's pen but the date of his death is not yet known. Such then are the life and works of the first historian of New France. In contrast with the aridity of the Jesuit Relations and with the prolific geographical details given by Champlain, Lescar- bot's bright and pleasant manner of recounting his adventures in the New World give even the reader of the present day a keen pleas- ure. His original way of looking at things, his poetical vein and above all the continual good humor which bubbles out all through his work, leave upon one the impression of a jovial companion and an intelligent conversationalist. Possessed of the true philosophic spirit he was as happy at Port Royal cultivating his garden and 1 Le Franc Gaulois au Roy, Sur U Repos de, la France, Paris, 1618. Another copy is entitled Le Bout de V An Sur le Repos de la France, etc. Copies of these are pre served at the Bibliotheque Nationale, L. b'^ 11 18 and 1 1 19. Lescarbot had also signed the dedication of the Tableau de la Suisse to the king, " le Franc Gaulois." This pamphlet itself however is signed " Marc Lescarbot." ^ Ibid., pp. 3-4, " Toutes nations s'estonnoient de voir maistriser dan vostre Louvre un faquin . . . II s'etoit ^ vos depens asservi voz villes . . . il disposoit de la paix et de la guerre. II gouvernoit vos finances et vos armees et nous faisoit egorger les uns les autres," etc. ' Ibid., p. 12. " II faut ruiner I'Empire de Mahomet." ^ Ibid., " II faut Sire gaigner a Dieu et a votre Majeste les peuples transmarins de rOccident." Cf. also p. 15. ^ Annales de Voyages, Paris, 1869, I. 76-Sl. '^ La Chasse atix Anglois en I'ilt de Rez et au siege de la Rochelle et la reduction de ladite ville a I obeissance du Roy, Paris, 1629. ■ Ibid., Au Roy. " La revolution et conduite de ma vie m'ayant amene a estre heri- tier des services que les Sieurs de Valpergue ont depuis deux cens ans et au dessus rendu a vostre Majeste," etc.

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