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How Lescarbot occupied his time on his return from Switzer- land we do not know, but it was not until the year 161 7 that he brought out a third and further enlarged edition of his history of New France. The first four books and the last, Book VI., how- ever, are the same as in the previous edition (except that Chapters III. and IV. of this last are rolled into one), so that all the fresh material is given in Book V. Indeed this book, which in the edition of 161 1 only contained six chapters, now possesses fifteen. Although part of this fresh material (viz.. Chaps. IX. and X.) is only a repetition of his Conversion des Saui'ages and Relation Dcr- nicve, and other chapters (III. to VII.) are formed by subdividing former ones (viz., old Chaps. III. and IV.), yet part of the material at the end of this book is absolutely new. Thus in Chapters XI. to XV. he gives for the first time an account of the disputes between Saint-Just and the Jesuits as well as of the attempt of the latter to form a fresh settlement at St. Sauveur and of their capture by Argall. Part of this he obtained from the Factum ' and from Biard's Relation - which had appeared in the previous year, while he also makes use of some letters sent to him from Port Royal in 1614.^ Furthermore he prints a proces-verbal drawn up at La Rochelle in July 1614.* The account of Champlain's operations in the St. Lawrence, begun in the edition of 161 1, is continued and in much greater detail. These dates and other matters now given for the first time are taken from the volume published by Champlain in the year 1613. Some of the facts relating to Champlain's voyage up the Ottawa in the summer of 16 13 had however been given to Lescarbot by a Norman friend." Further than the year 161 3 he does not go for events in the St. Lawrence. Les Muses de la Nonvellc France, dated 16 18, contains no ' Histoire, 1617, p. 677, " laquelle est couch^e tout au long au Factum du sieur de Poutrincourt," etc. Cf. also p. 67S. This factum appeared in the yeav 1614 under the title Factum du Proces entre Jean de Biencuurt chevalier Sieur de Poutrincourt Baron de S. Just appelant d^une part et Pierre Biard, Evemond Masse et Consorts soy disans Prestres de la Societe de Jesus, intimez. 2 Ibid., p. 676. " Le meme pere Biart passe sous silence sept mois de temps," etc. Cf. p. 668, "car le Pere Biart n'en fait aucune mention," etc. Biard's Relation was published at Lyons in 1616 under the title Relation de la Nouvelle France, de ses terres, naturel du pays et de ses habitants, item du voyage des Peres Jesuites aiisdites contrees et de cc quails y ont fait jusques a leur prise par les Anglais. 3 Ibid. , pp. 678-679, 684-685. ^ Ibid., pp. 6S7-690. ^ Ibid., pp. 615-616, "Champlain racontant ce fait;" p. 619, "a ce que dit Champlein." Cf. also pp. 620, 634, 647.
- Ibid., p. 647. " Les particularites de ce dernier voyage m'ayans ete recitees par
un Gentil-homme Norman . . . ie les ay depuis trouvees verifiees par la relation qu'en a fait trop au long ledit Champlein," etc.