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Marc Lescarbot 689

ages. Book III. of the edition of 1609, on the manners and cus- toms of the savages, forms the new Book VI., and does not seem to have been altered. In the volume of verses called the Muses he has added a sonnet to Champlain, an ode in memory of Captain Gourgues and some lines on the death of a savage in Florida who had offered to give his life for the French. On account of Lescarbot's not being present when the printing of this edition was begun, several errors crept in which were cor- rected in the edition published in 16 12.' The absence of the table of errata seems indeed the only difference between these editions. That of 1612 was reprinted at Paris in 1866 with an introduction by M. Tross. In the same year 16 12 Lescarbot published his Relation Der- ni'ere} This is a small pamphlet of forty pages containing an ac- count of de Poutrincourt's return to Port Royal in 1610 and of the principal events which had taken place there since that date. Al- though he had already given some account of these events in his Conversion des Saiivages as well as in the fifth chapter of Book V. of his history as published in 161 1, yet he now goes over the same ground again, although he adds a notice of events'up to June 161 1. It was in that month indeed that de Poutrincourt had set sail for home and it was doubtless he who recounted to Lescarbot all that is here described. It was also no doubt at de Poutrincourt's request that special stress was laid upon the conversion effected among the savages for he hoped on account of this to receive some aid from the King in his undertaking. During the years 161 2 to 16 14 Lescarbot was in Switzerland in the suite of Pierre de Castille the French ambassador to that republic who was afterwards appomted intendant of finances in France.' During his leisure hours Lescarbot composed some verses on the country, which however he did not publish until the year 161 8.* ' Les Muses, etc., p. 66. " L'autheur n'ayant peu estre present ; de I'impression, quelques fautes sont survenues en icelle," etc. ■ Relation Derniere de ce qui s' est passe au voyage liu simr dt Poiityincourt en la Nouvelle France depuis 20 viois en^a, Paris, 1612. ^ Histoire, 1617, p. 678, " du quinzieme May mille si.x cens treze, moy etant en Suisse." Cf. also p. 684, " que ie receu de sa part I'an suivant mille six cens quatorze, 6tant encore en Suisse."

  • Le Tableau de la Suisse et autres alliez de la France es hautes Allemagnes auquel

sont descrites les singularites des Alpes, et rapportees les diverses alliances des Suisses ; particulierement celles qii'ils 07it avec la France, Paris, 1618. In the dedicatory epistle to de Castille written at the opening of the year 1614 he says that he had already been there two years. " Ayant eu I'honneur et contentement d' avoir veu . . . depuis deux ans enpa, le sit et natural de ce pais," etc. Les Bains des Feffers on pages 48 et seqq. was published separately in 1613 at Lyon-:.

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