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tumn of 1610 appeared his Conversion dcs Sauvages, in which he gave an account of de Poutrincourt's return to Port Royal and of his efforts after his arrival to convert the savages in the neighborhood.' It was doubtless Saint-Just, who had come to France that summer with a load of furs, who furnished 'Lescarbot with most of his facts. - In the year 161 1 Lescarbot brought out a new edition of his history in an enlarged and corrected form. The corrections con- sisted of a fresh dedication to the new king, Louis XIII., and he also placed the voyage of de la Roche in the year i 598 instead of 1596. By means of the official statement of Cartier's expenditure communicated to him by Samuel Georges of La Rochelle, who had been a shareholder in De Mont's company, he was also able to add a few more facts about Roberval.' He also gave for the first time Cartier's commission for his third voyage. He inserted further a new chapter on the attempt of de la Jannaye and Nouel to obtain a monopoly of the fur trade in 1588, which had not been mentioned in the first edition."' Indeed the whole work now formed six books instead of three. Book I. is composed of the first twenty chapters of the first edition, while Chapters XXI. to XXX. of the same make up Book II. Chapters I. to XXX. of the old Book II. now form Book III., while the remaining chapters of that book, Nos. XXXI. to XLVIIL, form the new Book IV., but there are no changes in the text. These four books thus cover the ground gone over in Books I. and II. of the first edition. He now added an account in six chapters of Champlain's achievements in the St. Lawrence since the year 1608 and of de Poutrincourt's return to Port Royal in 1610 out of which he formed Book V. His account of events in the St. Lawrence was given to him by Champlain himself,* while for the Acadian portion of the Book he uses his own Conversion des Saiiv- auquel par manierc apjlogelique son/ brisees les brides a veaux de maistre Juvain Solan- icque penitent repenti, seipieur de Morddre't ct d 'Amplademus en partie, du cote de la moue ; traduit du latin en franf lis par maistre Victor Greve, geographe microcosmiqiie, n.p., 1609. According to Brunei the author was a certain Fusi, cure of St. Leu-et-St. Giles at Paris, and the worl: was directed against one of his churchwardens. ^ La Conversion des Sauvages qui ont este baptizes en la Nouvelle France cette annee 1610 avec un Bref Recit du Voyage du sieur de Poutrincourt, Paris, n.d. 2 Saint- Just reached France on August 21. The Jesuit Relations and Allied D>cumen's, Cleveland, 1896, II. 140. The privilege for printing La Conversion is dated September g. ^ Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 1611, p. 410. " Ainsi que ie trouve par le compte rendu desdits denieres par ledit Quartier, qui m"a este communique par le sieur Samuel Georges Bourgeois de Rochelle." Of. also p. 517.
- Ibid., pp. 411-416.
5 Ibid., pp. 417-419. ^ Ibid., p. 631, " Selon que m'a recite ledit Champlain ;" p. 632, " Au recit dudit Champlain ;" p. 663, " Ce qu'ayant entendu de la bouche dudit Charrplain," etc.