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686 H. P. Biggar

use of Belleforest/ Acosta," Gomara,' Pigafetta and Hariot.° His method of procedure is as a rule to give the custom of the Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Gauls or Germans in the matter and then to contrast with this that of the savages of the New World. He thus makes use of a great number of classical writers among whom one might cite Hesiod, Herodotus, Plato, Xenophon, Aristotle, Polybius Strabo, Plutarch, Hippocrates, Heliodorus, Oppian, Athenaeus, Pausanias, Theophrastus, Diodorus Siculus and Arrian as well as Plautus, Caesar, Cicero, Livy, Virgil, Tacitus, Pliny, Aulus Gellius, Claudian, Ammianus Marcellinus, Sidonius, Procopius and Josephus. He seems also to be familiar with the early Christian fathers and cites Tertullian, St. Augustine, St. Isidore and St. Jerome. Among more modern writers he makes mention after Jean de Meung and Joinville of Olaus Magnus,'"' Oribasius," Annius of Viterbo,* Bus- becq" and the Seigneur des Accords."' The small volume of verses entitled Lcs Muses dc la NouvcUe France which is generally found bound up with the history contains nothing of very great interest. There is a Pindaric ode to King Henry IV., an ode each to de Monts and de Poutrincourt ; while Champdore is honored with a sonnet. The other verses were written to celebrate special events ; as the departure of the vessel ' Histoirc, p. 6S3. " Et toutesfois le sieur de Belle-forest ecrit avoir pris de ladite histoire ce qu'il met en avant," etc. Cf. also pp. 728, 849. ■Ibid., p. 688. " Ainsi qu'en discourt amplement Joseph Acosta," etc. Cf. also pp. 725, 813, 818, 836. ^ Idii/., p. 680. " L' Histoire generale des Indes Occidentales rapporte," etc. A French translation of Gomara was published under this title at Paris by Martin Fumee in 1569 and reprinted in 1578, 15S0 and 1584.

  • /^/i/., p. 715. " Lesquels Pighafatte en son Voyage autour du monde dit," etc.

This work which was published at Paris with no date is entitled Ze Voyage et Naviga- tion faict par les Espaignoh es isles de MoHiicques (de ijig a IJ22) : Des isles quik out tr-ouve audict voyage, des roys dicelles, de leur goiivernenient et maniere de vivre avec plusieurs aultres choses. ^ Ibid., p. 69S. "Car Fautheur de I'histoire de la Virginie dit," etc. Cf. also pp. 729, 872. A French translation of Harlot's work appeared in 1590 in the first volume of Bry's large collection of voyages. ^Histoire, p. 508. " Et si on veut encore ouir le temoignage d'Olaus Magnus," etc. The work referred to is his HistoHa de Gentibus Septentrionalibtis, Rome, 1555. Ibid., -p. 761. "Car le vin ... dit Oribasius," etc. Oribasii Collectaneorum Arti-s Medicae liber, quo totius corporis humani sectio explicatitr, Paris, 1556. ^ Ibid., p. 78S. " Et Ta fort bien remarque Jean Annius de Viterbe." He is really citing his edition of Berosus which was published at Antwerp in 1552 under the title of Berosi antiquitatum Italiae ac totius orbis libri V. conimentariis Joannis Annii Viterbensis illustrati adjecto nunc priinum indice locupletissimo et reliquis ejus argu- menti authoribus. ^ Ibid., p. 775. " Ce qu' ecrit le sieur de Busbeque au discours de son ambassade en Turquie." It is his Itinera Conslantinopolitanum et Amasianum, published at Antwerp in 1581. ^^ Ibid., p. S75. " Le sieur des Accords . . . recite," etc. The work is his Z« Touches published at Paris in 1585.

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