6^2 Notes and News
Messrs. Macmillan and Co. announce Reconstniction in Mississippi, a careful study, by Mr. James W. Garner, fellow in political science at Columbia University, formerly associate in history at the Bradley Poly- technic Institute, Peoria. The Louisiana Historical Society has invited the co-operation of other historical societies in the Mississippi Valley in an effort to persuade the United States government to cause to be copied and published the most important portions of the archives of colonial Louisiana now preserved in Paris. In the January Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association the interesting reminiscences of Mrs. Dilue Harris are continued. Mr. Eugene C. Barker presents the Difficulties of an American Revenue Offi- cer, from the papers of Captain Antonio Tenorio, w-ho in 1835 performed that difficult office at Anahuac ; Dr. W. F. McCaleb prints an account of the first period of the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition. Numbers I. and II. of the Publications of the Illinois State Historical Library are, respectively, a Bibliography of Newspapers published in Illinois prior to i860, compiled by Dr. Edmund J. James and Mr. M. J. Loveness, both of the LTniversity of Chicago, and a collection, with comment by Dr. James, of the Territorial Laws of Illinois, from 1809 to 1812. A quarterly entitled Deutsch-Amerikanische GeschichtsblStter is pub- lished by the Deutsch-Amerikanische Historische Gesellschaft von Illi- nois (Koelling and Klappenbach), and edited by members of the soci- ety. Part I., which appeared for January, 1901, contains contributions to the history of the German pioneers of Illinois. Wiscotuin' s Deiitsch-Atnerikaner bis zum Schluss des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, the first volume of which, by Wilhelm H. Jensen (Mil- waukee, Deutsche Gesellschaft), has just appeared, treats of the part played by the German-Americans in social and political life, and of the modifying influences upon them of their new environment. The present volume carries the history of German-Americanism to about the year 1875- The January number of the Annals of Iowa contains an article on George Wilson, first territorial adjutant, by his son, George Wilson ; one on Charles Mason, first chief-justice of the territorial supreme court, by Judge Emlin McClain ; and one on the First Legislative Assembly in Iowa Territory, by Rev. Dr. William Slater. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : Woodrow ^^'ilson, Colonies and Nation, I. -IV. (Harper's Monthly Magazine, January-April) ; F. R. Lassiter, Arnold's Invasion of Virginia, ij8i (Sewanee Review, January); C. J. Bullock, Direct Taxes and the Federal Constitution, I. (Yale Re- view, February) ; James Bradley Thayer, A Picture of Chief Justice Mar- shall (Atlantic, March).