Atnerica 629
The Life and Lf tiers of PliiUips Brooks, by Professor Alexander V. G. Allen, of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge (F:. P. Dut- ton and Co.) is published in two volumes of 1619 pages, the greater part of which is drawn from the letters and papers of the bishop. The result is a careful and minute study of the career of one of the greatest of American divines. The American Anti(iuarian Society proposes to publish the Diary of Librarian Cliristoplter Coliimhus Ba/J-wiii, i82g-jSjj, edited by Mr. Nathaniel Paine. The January number of the Publications of the Rhode Island His- torical Society consists almost entirely of a selection from the papers of William Vernon lent by Mrs. E. W. Blake. The papers here selected from the mass of the Vernon Papers are those illustrating the history of the Navy Board for New England, maintained by Congress during the Revolutionary War, and consisting of Vernon, James Warren of Massa- chusetts and John Deshon of Connecticut. They are an important series, especially in view of the paucity of our materials for the naval history of the Revolution. This number completes the eighth vol- ume of the Publications. It is now contemplated that this series be dis- continued, and that its place be taken by an annual volume of Collections, continuing the original series of Collections of which nine volumes were published between 1827 and 1897, but which has of late been increased only at irregular intervals. It is understood that a third volume of the Records of the State of Connecticut was finished in manuscript by the late Dr. C. J. Hoadly just before his death. It is to be hoped that it will soon be printed. The Annual Report of the Comptroller of the State of New York an- nounces the completion of the work of binding, indexing, and otherwise rendering accessible, the original documents relating to the Revolution- ary War which are to be found in his office. The set as bound numbers fifty-two volumes. In the recent issues of the Bulletin of the Netv York Public Library (December-February) is printed a list of the documents and papers rela- ting to the northeastern boundary of the United States, by Mr. A. R. Hasse; a checklist of municipal and state documents relating to New York City ; a list of works concerning the financial and commercial his- tory of the town ; and a list of the maps and atlases which represent, or relate to. New York. It is understood that the New York Historical Society hopes soon to begin the erection of one section of its proposed new building, on Cen- tral Park West, between Seventy-sixth and Seventy-seventh Streets. There has recently been discovered in London the British headquart- ers' colored manuscript map of New York and environs during the period of the Revolutionary War. It shows the fortifications, defences, roads, etc., together with the harbor, islands, and river frontages on the Hud-