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selected bibliography, both prepared, with great care, by Dr. Theodore Clarke Smith. In the series of" OU South Leaflets the latest issues are Lincoln's Cooper Institute Address ; Choate's " Romance of New England His- tory ;" an account of the invention of the steamboat ; Horace iMann's " Ground of the Free School System;" and Kossuth's first speech in Paneuil Hall, 1852. Mr. Charles K. Bolton, librarian of the Boston Athenaeum, has pub- lished (Salem, Eben Putnam), a pamphlet entitled Marriage Notices, i78s-ijg4,for the JFho/e Uniteil States, copied from the Massachusetts Centinel and the Columhian Centinel. Messrs. Joel Munsell's Sons (Albany) have published a List of Titles of Genealogical Articles in American Periodicals, and kindred works, giving the name, residence, and earliest date of the first settler of each family. The Macmillan Co. will shortly publish American Diplomatic Ques- tions, by Mr. John B. Henderson, Jr. The book consists of a series of essays upon the Behring Sea Controversy, the North- East Coast Fisheries, Samoa, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Negotiations relating to the Isthmian Canal. The Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1S98-1899 contains a chapter upon the development of the common school in the Western States from 1830 to 1S65, a preliminary bibliography of Confederate te.xt-books, and a contribution to the history of normal schools in the United States. Mr. John Lane is publishing a new edition of Sir Arthur Helps's The Spanish Conquest in America, edited by Mr. M. Oppenheim. The first volume has already appeared. The Clarendon Press (New York, Henry Frowde), has just published a second series of Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America, edited from the pages of Hakluyt by Mr. E. J. Payne. This volume contains the narratives of Gilbert, Amidas and Barlow, Cavendish and Raleigh. Vol. LXXI. of iht Jesuit Relations will contain a full statement of the facts relating to the portrait recently discovered in Montreal, and be- lieved by so excellent an authority as Father Hamy of Boulogne-sur-Mer to be a genuine likeness of Father Marquette. Dr. Francis N. Thorpe has just published A Constitutional History of the United States, 1765-1885, in three volumes (Chicago, Callaghan and Co.). The first volume deals with the national development during the Revolutionary War, and with the formation of the Constitution ; Vol. II. covers the period from 1787 to 1861, and Vol. III. is devoted to the con- sideration of the problems of emancipation and suffrage. Mr. William Abbatt, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York, announces a new edition of the Memoirs of /Major- General Neath, to be ready May I. This is the first republication since the original edition in 1798.