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62 6 Notes and News

battle of Cassel. He shows that that battle was the result of a social re- volt like that of 138 1 in England. Dr. W. P. C. Knuttel has published the third part of his learned and elaborate catalogue of the pamphlets in the Royal Library at The Hague. This volume covers the important years from 1689 to 1713. NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE. In the Memoires et Documents published by the Societe de I'Ecolede? Chartes, Vol. IV., M. F. Chalandon has presented an excellent study ,of Alexis Comnenos, substituting for the traditional view, and laying before the larger public, the history of that prince as already known to scholars, Essai siir le Regne d' Alexis I" Comnene (Paris, Picard). Messrs. Scribners are the American agents for the Wolseley Series of war memoirs, edited by Captain Walter H. James, of which the latest is- sue is Operations of General Gtirko' s Advance Guard in i8~j, by Colo- nel Epauchin of the Russian staff. The volume describes General Gurko's advance over the Balkan Mountains and the capture of the Shipka Pass. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : H. Gelzer, Das Verhaltnis von Sfaat und Kirche in Byzanz (Historische Zeitschrift, LXXXVI. 2); Baron A. d'Avril, La Protection des Chretiens dans le Levant (Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, 1900, 4). AMERICA. In our next two numbers we expect to print, in the section devoted to documents, a collection of interesting letters, derived from various sources, illustrating the history of the nullification controversy in South Carolina. Messrs. Appleton and Co. have in preparation a new supplementary volume of Appleton' s Cyclopedia of American Biography, edited by Gen- eral James Grant Wilson. The volume will cover the last twelve years, and will also contain a complete list of the pseudonyms mentioned in the preceding volumes. Messrs. Henry Holt and Co. have published an enlarged and thor- oughly revised edition of Johnston's History of the United States. The work of revision has been done by Professor MacDonald of Bowdoin College. Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons have published North Americans of Yesterday, a comparative study of North-American Indian life, customs, etc., by Mr. F. S. Dellenbaugh. The volume is chiefly made up from a course of lectures given before the Lowell Institute of Boston. The author accompanied Major John W. Powell of the Bureau of xmerican Ethnology upon the second Colorado expedition, and his book treats of the material then collected. Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin and Co. have published as Volume XXXII. of the ' ' Ameripan Statesmen ' ' series a General Lndex to the series, with a

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