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N^ethc7-Ia)ids and Belgium 625

Strengen von J349, ed. Lippert and Beschorner, and the Ak/i-n uiui Briefe Herzog Georg's, ed. Gess, were in press. The Akicn zi/r Ge- schiihte des Bauernkriegs in iMitteldeutschland, ed. Merx., 'ol. II. of the Politische Korrespondenz des Kurfiirstcn Moritz, ed. Brandenburg, the correspondence of the Electress Maria Antonia with the Empress Maria Theresa, ed. Lippert, and the Akten ziir Geschichte des Heilbronner Binides von 1632-33, ed. Kretzschmar, were reported as ready for print- ing. It was agreed to undertake the publication of the autograph letters (and draughts) of Augustus the Strong, to be edited by Dr. 1'. Haake of Berlin. The Historical Commission of Baden has in the press the fifth volume of the Politische Correspondenz Karl Friedrich' s von Baden, ed. Obser, and Vol. II. of the Regesten der Markgrafen von Baden, ed. Witte. The Commission will publish an index to Vols. I. -XXXIX. of the Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte des Oherrheins. A new commission for the publication of documents and corres- pondence illustrating the modern history of Austria has been instituted at Vienna by the ministry of education. Hofrath Theodor von Sickel, founder and director of the Austrian , Historical Institute at Rome, has resigned the charge of that establish- ment. M. Edouard Rott's Histoire dc la Representation de la France en Suisse, of which the first volume has now been published at Paris by Alcan, will consist of nine volumes. In the first six, chronological lists of the various diplomatic agents and of the documents relating to their missions will be followed by the history of those missions and the te.xt of many documents ; the seventh and eighth will give biographies of the agents ; the ninth will describe their personal life in Switzerland. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : K. Zeumer, Zur Geschichte der â– westgothischen Gesetzgeluing (Neues Archiv, XXIV. i) ; K. Wenck, Franzosische Werbiingen um die deutsche Kdnigskrone zur Zeit Phi lip f s des Schonen und Clemens' V. (Historische Zeitschrift, LXXXVI. 2) ; A Gotze, Die Artikel der Bauern, 1^2^ (Historische Vierteljahrschrift, IV. i) ; O. Hintze, Der oesterreichische und der preussischen Beamtenstaat im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Historische Zeitschrift, LXXXVI. 3) ; H. Oncken, Grossherzog Peter von Oldenburg (Preussische Jahrbiicher, December). NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM. In the January number of the Revue des Questions Historiques Pro- fessor A. Delescluse presents a summary review of recent historical publi- cations in Belgium. M. Henri Pirenne, in a volume published by the Commission Royale d' Histoire de Belgique, and entitled Le Souleremcnt de la Flandre Mari- time, 1323-1328, prints a curious report of the commissioners appointed to investigate as to the property of those Flemings who took part in the

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