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624 N'otcs and A^ews

(Revue de Paris, November 15, December i); A. Stern, La Mission Secrete dii Alarquis de Bellune, Agent dii Prince de Polignac a Lisbonne, 1830 (Revue Historique, January). ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL. Signora Jessie A'hite Mario has made a selection from the writings of Mazzini (Florence, Sansoni) for the series of Italian classics which is edited by Professor Carducci. The jilan upon which a choice is made is the representation of Mazzini as man of letters, as social philosopher, and as prophet. Several German and other "relations" concerning the Spanish Armada are printed in the Alittheilungen des Instituts filr cesterreicliische Geschichtsforschiing, XX. 4. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: P. Sabatier, De r Autiienticite de la Legende de Saint Francois dite des Trois Compagnons (Revue His- torique, January); S. Minocchi, La Legenda Triicm Socioruni, II. (Ar- chivio Storico Italiano, 1900, 3); A. Contento, La Popolazione di Venezia da! ijj8 al lypj (Nuovo Archivio Veneto, XIX. i, 2, XX. i); K. Habler, Zur Geschichte des spatiisclieii Kolonialliandels im 16. nnd ij. Jahrhiindert (Zeitschrift fiir Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte, VII. 4). GERMANY, AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND. In the Alduindlungen, Vortriige und Reden of the late Professor Felix Stieve of Munich (Leipzig, Duncker und Humblot), the pieces of most general historical value are those on the earlier portion of Wallenstein's career, on the relations of Henry lY. to the Jiilich question, and others concerning the Thirty Years' War. The Revue Historique for January contains a summary review of German publications of the year 1899 in the field of modern history, by Dr. Martin Philippson. Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice is about to publish in the form of a book those articles on the Duke of Brunswick which he, it is now known, con- tributed to the Edinburgli Review in 1897 and 1898. The title will be Charles William Ferdinand, Duke 0/ Briinsivick ; a Study in the History of the Eighteenth Century. In the Deutsche Rundschau for December Professor P. Bailleu prints some very interesting letters of Queen Louise of Prussia to her brother George. Messrs. Harper and Brothers will shortly publish a Life of the Emperor Frederick, edited from the German of Margaretha von Poschinger, with an introduction by Sidney Whitman. This book is a condensation of the German original, and deals largely, if not chiefly, with the political and military sides of the Emperor's life. At the fifth annual session of the Royal Saxon Historical Commis- sion, December 12, it was reported that the Lehnsbuch FriedricK s des

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