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France 623

France. This volume relates to thg fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and embraces 166 documents, carefully chosen and often of great in- terest. M. G. Bonet-Maury's Histoire df la Lihertc de Conscience en France depuis r Edit de Nantes jusqii' a jiiillet iSjo (Paris, Alcan) has, we judge from the announcements, a certain close relation to the lectures which he gave in this country. In the Annales of the University of Lyons M. Emile Bourgeois has given, from the author's manuscripts at Berlin, a new edition of Ezekiel Spanheim's Relation de la Gourde France en i6go (Paris, Picard) with a corrected text and many useful notes. The Marquis Costa de Beauregard has made an interesting contribu- tion to the memoir-literature of the Revolution and Empire by publishing a selection from the papers of the Count de la Ferronays, an enlightened emigre who was much employed in tlie diplomacy of the exiled Bourbon princes, and from the autobiographical sketches written by his countess. En Emigration; Souvenirs tires des Papiers du Comte Auguste de la Ferronays, 1777-1814 (Paris, Plon, pp. 428). M. Aulard's fourth volume of police and newspaper pieces called Paris pendant la Reaction Thermidorienne et sous le Directoire (Cerf) ex- tends from Mayii, 1797, to July 20, 1798, and contributes much to the understanding of the revolution of 18 Fructidor. Colonel H. de Poyen, after long continued researches in the archives of the French departments of marine and colonies, has printed a most careful military history of the war of Leclerc and Rochambeau in St. Domingo, Histoire Militaire de la Revolution de Sainf-Doniingue (Paris, Berger-Levrault, pp. 555). Students of the military history of Napoleon will find profit in an Etude sur le Service d' Etat Major pendant les Guerres du Premier Empire (Paris, Chapelot) by Lieutenant-Colonel de Philip, of the French artil- lery, formerly a member of the general staff of the army. M. Henri Berton, a lawyer and a friend of Emile Ollivier, has pub- lished (Paris, Alcan) a bulky book marked by much care and fairness on L' Evolution Constitutionelle du Second Empire. Noteworthy articles in periodicals : Abbe Vacandard, Un Eveque Merovingien ; Saint Ouen dans son Diocese {K&vu& des Questions His- toriques, January) ; .. Liard, Saint-Simon et les Etats Generaux (Re- vue Historique, March) ; F. T. Perrens, Le premier Abbe Dubois, II. ( Revue Historique, January) ; L. Sciout, Les Elections a la Convention, d'apres les Proces-Verhaux des Assemblees Electorates des Dipartements (Revue des Questions Historiques, January) ; A. Stern, Sieyes et la Con- stitution de r An III. (Revolution Francjaise, XX. 4) ; G. Caudrillier, Le Complot de I'An XII., II. (Revue Historique, March); M. Philipp- son, La Paix d' Amiens et la Politique Generate de Napoleon I. (Revue Historique, March) ; F. Masson, Les Preliminaires du Divorce Imperial

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