Great Britain and Ircla)id 621
Mr. Henry W. Lucy has continued a well-known and very interest- ing series by bringing out (London, Arrowsmith) A Diary of the Union- ist Parliament, i8gs-igoo, conceived upon the same plan as his previous " diaries." Life and Letters of Tliomas LLenry LLiixley, in two volumes, by his son, Leonard Huxley (D. Appleton and Co.), is a presentation of Huxley's character and personality, for the most part by means of his letters. These are published chronologically, save where, in a few instances, the letters relating to some special interest or episode are massed in a chapter by themselves. Mr. P. Chalmers Mitchell's Tliomas Henry Huxley is brought out in this country by Messrs. Putnam. Messrs. Longmans, Green and Co. announce that they have made arrangements for the publication of a life of the late Bishop of London. It will be written by Mrs. Creighton, who will be much obliged if any ])ersons who have letters from the bishop will kindly lend them to her. They may be sent to Fulham Palace, London, S. W. The Irish Text Society intends to publish, in its medieval series, the earliest version of the Lebor Gahala, together with the poems of Eochaid hua Flainn and other antiquaries of the tenth and eleventh centuries on which it is based ; the genealogical collections in the great medieval vellums ; and the medieval grammatical treatises. In its modern series it proposes to print The Death of Murtach son of Ere and The Expedi- tion of Dathi to the Alps. Mr. G. C. Moore Smith has in preparation The Antohioi^raphy of Lt.- General Sir Harry Smith, of Aliioal, G.C.B. (London, Murray.) Messrs. Smith Elder and Co. have published A Life-time in South Africa ; being the Recollections of the First Premier of Natal, by the Hon. Sir John Robinson, K.C.M.G. The book contains an account of the author's personal experiences, followed by chapters treating of the Out- goers, the Governors, the Voortrekkers, the Settlers as Pioneers, Law- makers, Traders, Civilizers and Neighbors, the Natives, the War, its Genesis and its Revelations, and the Outlook. The first volume of The Times History of the War, edited by Mr. L. S. Amery of All Souls College, Oxford, has been published. It covers the period to the outbreak of war. The South African War, i8gg-igoo, by Major S. L. Norris (Lon- don, Murray) is confined to the military aspects of the war. There are a number of appendices giving the conventions of Pretoria and London, the National Union's Manifesto, and the Majesfontein, Stormberg, and Spion Kop despatches. The book contains several maps. Noteworthy articles in periodicals: F. E. Fox, Roman Suffolk (Ar- chaeological Journal, 226); C. A. Moore, Oriental Cults in Britain (Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, XL); F. W. Maitland, The VOL. VI. — 41.