620 N'ofcs and N'cws
Messrs. Archibald Constable and Co. have just published the Paston Letters, T422-ij0g, a reprint of the edition of 1S72-1875, which con- tained some five hundred letters until then unpublished, and to which are now added others, edited by Mr. James Gairdner, of the Public Record Office. Professor Gross's Soiines am/ Literature of English Histary, re- viewed on a preceding page, stops with the year 1485. It is understood that a volume supplementing it upon much the same plan, and extending from 14S5 to the present time, is to be prepared by Professor Wolfgang Michael of Freiburg. It is understood that Sir Clements Markham and Mr. Raymond Beazley are at work upon a reprint of Hakluyt's JWages, and that the first volume will appear this year. Afarr Queen of Scots, and Wlw Wrote the Casket Letters '/ by Mr. Samuel Cowan, will shortly be issued by Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston and Co. The work will give the results of long and careful study of the much-discussed questions of the authenticity and authorship of the letters. The New Amsterdam Book Company announce The Rising of IJ4S, with a bibliography of Jacobite history (1689-178S), by Mr. C. S. Terry of Aberdeen, Scotland, forming a new volume in the series of Scottish History from Contemporary Writers. The Clarendon Press announces that it will shortly publish Vols. VII. and VIII. of Professor Thorold Rogers's LListory of Agriculture and Prices. Life in Scotland a Hundred Years Ago, as Reflected in the Old Sta- tistical Accounts of Scotland, ijgi-iygg, by Mr. James Murray (Paisley, Alexander Gardner) is based upon the twenty-one volumes of Sir John Sinclair's famous compilation of information derived from the ministers of the respective parishes. Messrs. Methuen announce a new edition of Mr. E. L. S. Hors- burgh's Waterloo, in which important alterations h.' ve been made. An appendix and an index have been added. Cinder England's Elag from 1804 to l8og (Macmillan) is the memoirs, diary, and correspondence of Captain Charles Boothby, of the Royal Engineers, compiled by the last surviving members of his family. Messrs. Longmans announce for immediate publication a new issue of Queen Victoria, by Richard R. Holmes, F.S.A., Librarian to the Queen. The whole of the text, excepting the last chapter, was ap- proved and authorized by Queen Victoria. Mr. John Murray has in press The Reminiscences of Sir Edward Malet, who was for ten years English .mbassador at Berlin, and has rep- resented his country at Washington, Pekin, Athens, and Rome, as well as at Paris during the Commune.