Great Britain aiui frclaiid 619
The Life of Alni-iir Ralimmi, Amir of Afghanistan, G. C, B., G. C. S. I., edited by Sultan Mahomed Khan, in two vokimes (London, Murray), contains, first, a translation from the Persian of the narrative of the Amir's early life, written by himself ; this is followed by an ac- count of his government of his country and of his daily life and occupa- tions, taken down in his own words by Sultan Mahomed Khan when act- ing as his state secretary. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. l-'or the promotion of the projected School of Advanced Historical Studies in London, a strong executive committee has been formed, after a meeting for organization, at which Professor James Bryce presided. The result may be either the success of the proposed school as an inde- pendent foundation, or the adoption of the project in some form by the University of London or the School of Political Science. In the Revue ties Questions Historiijues for January Father A. Zimmer- mann gives a summary review of the recent English historical publications. The British Government has published a Calendar of the Close Rolls, Edwaril I., 12 72-1 2 79. The three supplemental volumes of the Dictionary of National Biogra- phy will, in the main, be devoted to the closing years of the last century. An exception will, nevertheless, be made as regards Queen Victoria, the Bishop of London, and a few other distinguished personages whose lives ended in the early weeks of the present year. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England, by Professor Edward P. Cheyney of the University of Pennsylvania (Mac- millan) is intended as a text-book for the use of college classes. The thirteenth century is made the starting-point for a continuous study of the economic conditions of the people down to the present time. The plan of the book, as set forth in the announcements, seems excellent. It is understood that text -books of English history are in preparation by Professors Benjamin Terry of Chicago, Andrews of Bryn Mawr and Cheyney of the University of Pennsylvania respectively. The Macmillan Company will shortly publish a volume of documents for the use of students of the history, and particularly of the constitutional history, of England, prepared by Professors George B. Adams of Yale University and H. Morse Stephens of Cornell. Mr. Alexander Gardner, of Paisley, has ready for publication A His- tory of the Church in Scotland front the Earliest Times down to the Pres- ent Day, by Mr. John Macpherson. The corporation of Leicester announce a second volume of the Rec- ords of the Borough of Leicester, extending from 1327 to 1509, and edited, like its predecessor, by the competent hand of Miss Mary Bateson (Lon- don, C. J. Clay and Sons).