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Early Church History 617

Professor William MacDonald of Bowdoin College is to succeed Dr. J. F. Jameson as professor of history in Brown University. In the second number of the Revue de Synthesc Historique M. Xeno- pol, defending his previous utterances, discusses " I.es Faits de R^p^ti- tion et les Faits de Succession ;" M. A. Bossert essays portraits of Nie- buhr, Ranke, Sybel and Mommsen ; M. Henri Berr discusses Pascal and his place in the history of ideas. There is a general survey of the history of mathematics, and a composite article reviewing, in various departments, the representation of the historical sciences in the con- gresses of 1900 at Paris. An international congress of the historical sciences will be held at Rome in the spring of 1902. There will be three sections, devoted re- spectively to methodology, to ancient and to modern history. Corre- spondence respecting membership and attendance may be addressed to Professor Ettore Pais, via Caracciolo 8, Naples. A second edition of Mr. A. P. C. Griffin's List of Books rdatiiii; to the Theory of Colonization, etc. (Washington, Government Printing Office) has just appeared. ANCIENT HISTORY. Messrs. Charles Scribner's Sons have brought out Social Life of the Llehrews, by the Rev. E. Day, being Number 3 of the Semitic Series, edited by Professor J. A. Craig. The Warburton lectures for 1 880-1 884, by Dr. Alfred Edersheim, are published by Messrs. Longmans, Green and Co., under the title. Prophecy and History in Relation to the Messiah, with two appendices on the arrangement, analysis, and recent criticism of the Pentateuch. The Macmillan Company have published a new and revised edition in three volumes of Dr. J. G. Frazer's The Golden Bough. The same company has just published A History of Rome for High Schools and Academies, by Dr. George W. Botsford. In its method and scope this book is similar to the author's History of Greece. The Clarendon Press announces that it will shortly publish a volume on The Civil and Criminal Procedure of Cicero's Time, by Mr. A. H. J. Greenidge. It is understood that Professor Charles H. Haskins, of the University of Wisconsin, is engaged upon an edition of the Gennania of Tacitus. EARLY CHURCH HISTORY. Among the books in preparation at the Clarendon Press are Eusebius's Praeparatio Evangelica, edited and translated by Rev. E. H. Gifford, D.D.; Eusehii Chronicorum Liber, edited with facsimiles, by J. K. Fother- ingham, M.A.; and Latin Versions of the Canons of the Greek Councils of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries, Part II., by C. H. Turner, M.A. M. H. Welter has now brought out six volumes of his photographic reprint of Mansi, extending to A. D. 451.

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