530 Documents
XIX. Rear-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane to the Secretary.' No>-thiimberland, Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, 4* Nov., 1806. Sir, Be pleased to inform the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that an establishment of privateers is formed at the Port of Cayenne, at present they consist of one ship, the Victoire of 32 guns and 180 men ; His Majesty's late sloop Favorite ; a brig of 16 guns and 120 men, and two stout schooners. They cruise in a situation from that port to windward of Barbadoes, so as to be able to regain it with their prizes, which they never send to any of their islands to leeward. I beg leave to recommend that the packets may keep to the north of Latitude 15° until they come nearly into the Longitude of this Island, to avoid the enemy's cruizers, which are now become more numerous than ever, and of greater force. I am sorry to say that they have been particularly successful of late and have made some most valuable captures. The taking of the mast ship will enable them to send more cruizers to sea. General Miranda is returned from Aruba and is going down to Trinidad. - I have the honor to be Sir Your most obedient humble servant Alex. Cochrane. ' Admirals' Despatches, Leeward Islands, Vol. 25. Marked as received Decem- ber 13. 2The Leander left Aruba September 27, under convoy of the British ship La Seine, in which Miranda arrived at Barbadoes on November 2. In a few days he sailed for Trinidad, where he remained till December, 1S07, when he returned to London. Biggs, pp. 208, 209, 248. So ended in failure the Miranda Expedition of 1806.