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Jlliranda and I he British .ld)iiiral/y 529

of a letter and several enclosures I received from General Miranda, on the Raposa's return from her cruize, also a copy of my answer, with which I despatched His Majesty's Sloop Ferret on the 24 inst.' I am Sir Your obed!. humble servant Ja. R. Dacres. To William Marsden Esq. xviii. Rear-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane to the Secretary.' Northiiniberland, Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, ii', September 1806. Sir, I have to acquaint you for the information of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty with the return of His Majesty's Ships named in the margin to this anchorage on the 10'." after having seen the convoy safe to the Latitude of Bermuda and left it about fifty leagues to the northward of that island on the 19'. ultimo. As a line of battleship, one frigat and a corvette were seen going into Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, about eight days ago, I have di- rected Captain Harvey of the Canada to take the Seine under his orders and proceed off that port. The Elephant will leave this tomorrow for Jamaica ; and I shall give Captain Dundas orders to call off Fort Royal and should the enemy's ships have left that bay, to take with him the Seine ; and make the best of his way off Coro near to Marycaibo where General Miranda has landed ^ — the particulars of which is enclosed, and such intelligence as I have been able to collect : — My reasons for ordering the Elephant on this service is from a report that the enemy's ships are to proceed there to de- feat the Expedition. Should Captain Dundas not find them there he is to go from thence to Jamaica. By him I have sent extracts of your letter of the 19'!' of July* and a copy of Lord Ho wick's of the same date, for the guidance of Vice-Admiral Dacres, within whose district General Miranda has landed. The Pickle Schooner accompanies the Elephant in order to convey to England the most recent accounts from the Spanish Main. I have the honor to be Sir, Your most obed. humble servant Alex. Cochrane. 'Biggs, p. iSo, mentions the arrival of tlie Ferret at Aruba, with despatches, on September 13. 2 Admirals' Despatches, Leeward Islands, Vol. 25. Marked as received October 26. ' Evacuating the Main on August 13, Miranda had occupied the island of Aruba, where Biggs, p. 181, under date of September 21, reports the Eleptiant as having just sailed for Jamaica and the Picl;le for England.

  • Probably that alluded to in note 4 on p. 524.
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