526 Docioaeiits
XIV. Miranda to Vice- Admiral Dacres.' Head Quarters, La Vela de Coro, S"" August 1806. Sh; The object of this despatch is to inform you that we are in pos- session of this port, and of the greatest part of the Province of Coro. That we consider ourselves independent of Spain, and the friends of Great Britain ; as you will see by the enclosed documents that I send to you for the purpose of giving a correct insight into the state of our con- nexions with the Government of England : — requesting you to keep them in the secrecy and privacy they ought to be. Before I quitted England in September last with the idea of execu- ting this enterprise, it was agreed with the late Ministry " that I was to acquaint you, as well as the Admiral Commanding on the Windward Station, with my landing on the Coasts of South America, [? to free it] from the disgraceful and oppressive yoke of France. The chief support I want at the present moment is detailed in my enclosed private letter to Admiral Cochrane. I hope that between you and the Governor of Jamaica we shall re- ceive if not the whole at least part of the troops and naval assistance we are so much in want of at this present moment for the speedy success of this important enterprise. We had the happiness of being assisted in our landing by the Bac- chante Frigate, Capt. Dacres ' and some of his crew ; which incident contributed very much to our farther success, in taking possession of the City of Coro, the Metropolis of the Province. I have the honour to be with high respect and consideration Sir Your most obed! and most humble ser! Fran : de Miranda. XV. Miranda to Vice-Admiral Dacres. (Copy) La Vela de Coro, 8'." Aug. 1806. My dear Admiral, After having been obliged to quit Trinidad on the 24'" ult. with only the increase of 80 men volunteers in our troops, I could not attempt 1 Admirals' Despatches, Jamaica, Vol. 24. Enclosure in Dacres's despatch of Au- gust 30 to the Secretary, No. xvil., post. 2 That of PiU, which had ended with his death on January 23, 1S06, and had been succeeded by that of Grenville and Fox. 3 James R. Dacres, son of the vice-admiral ; see Biggs, pp. 114, 115, 154. He afterward commanded the Gtterriere in her fight with the Constitulioii , in lSl2. Admirals' Depatches, Jamaica, Vol. 24. Enclosure in Dacres's despatch of Au- gust 30 to the Secretary, No. Wll., post.