5 1 8 Documents
in. Miranda to Admiral Sir A. Mitchell.' a bord la Cleopatre ce 13 ftvrier 1806. Monsieur /' Amiral, Un accident nous ayant fait rencontrer la Cleopatre dans notre route de New York aux cotes de TAmerique Meridionalle ; je me suis trouve sous la necessite de lui communiquer des affaires secretes et de la plus haute importance ; que nous sommes sur le point de mettre a execu- tion avec la connoissance et assentiment tacite du Gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne — et c'est par la maniffestation des documens que j'ai avec moi qu'a Captain Wight a bien voulu consentir a nous laisser pour- suivre cet important objet. j'espere que cette communication indispen- sable restera entre lui et vous dans un secret inviolable pour le present ; et que s'il etait compatible avec vos instructions de le laisser venir le Captain Wight avec sa fregate pour cooperer par la suitte, cela seroit aussi important pour votre Pay qu'agreable et satisfaisant au mien. Je suis avec grande consideration Monsieur I'Amiral, votre tres hum- ble et tres obt. servt. Fran, de Miranda. Amiral Sir A. Michel K. B. Translation of the Preceding.^ Sir Having by accident fallen in with the Cleopatra in our way from New York to the coast of South America, I found myself under the necessity of communicating to her secret affairs of the highest importance which we are upon the point of transacting with the knowledge and con- sent of the Government of Great Britain. Captain Wight in consequence of the manifestation of documents which I have with me has thought proper to allow us to pursue our voyage on this important business. 1 hope Sir, that this unavoidable communication will remain an inviolable secret between you and him ; and if it be consistent with your instructions to send Capt. Wight with his frigate to cooperate with us in the end ; it will prove equally important to your country as agreeable and satisfactory to mine. I am with the greatest consideration Sir Your very obedient humble servant FRAf DE Miranda. ' Admirals' Despatches, North America, Vol. 17. Apparently an enclosure in Cap- tain Wight's letter, No. iv., post. Admiral Sir Andrew Mitchell had been commander- in-chief on the North American station since 1802. He died at Bermuda on February 26. 1806. 2 Also apparently an enclosure in Captain Wight's letter.